DS has a speech delay. He's great in receptive skills but is having trouble with expressive language. He's been seeing a speech pathologist for a month now. He is either with me or my mom during the week as I'm temporarily working part-time. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone had tried a daycare setting to try and help develop language skills. I was thinking maybe once a week (if I can find a program) to see what happens. We just visited DSs cousins for a week and I've noticed several new things since we've been back. I'm wondering if it's because of that constant interaction with his 5 cousins.
Re: Daycare for language development?
We did this for the summer (a HS friend is a teacher, has a masters in early childhood) and it worked out wonderfully. We do it 2 days a week, 4 hours a day. It's benefitted in so many ways-he got to be with a different caretaker besides mom, dad, or grandma and he got to play with other kids. We have definitely noticed a positive improvement in speech (we also did it because of a speech delay). I would like to continue it through the year, since she goes back to school at the end of august, but I'm not sure if there's someone who can accomodate my very PT schedule and that I can trust.
I'd DEFINITELY recommend it though.