I was grocery shopping and reading labels on the cereal boxes. What kids cereal (if there are any) is a good kind to buy? All of my kids regular favs are now on the long list of nos. Which is fine because just taking out the junky cereal and the fruit snacks I have seen a difference in how agressive and over active L is.
Also, I am really new to this what other things do you look out for other than dyes and flavoring? The only whole foods store near us is about 30mins away. Not a problem when I was working that way but I havent been there in probably 3-4wks. I guess I could start making a trip once a month and stock up on some things. Snacks and cereal seem to be my issue right now. I found dye & flavor free gatorade at Walmart so thats a plus.
ETA: Also yougurt? My kids love it but Im not sure what to buy. They have never had Greek yogurt so I bought some for them to try. Its rather $$ though for the amount they like to eat. (usually one for bfast and if not for a snack later in the day) So basically 3 a day, 7days a week.
Re: No colors & No flavoring.....What cereal do you buy?
Auntie's right--you've got envirokids, which is usually rather cheap. Also, cascadian farms is always on sale at my Kroger.
We eat a lot of oatmeal--I buy a big bag of frozen fruit and make a huge batch of it each week.
Yogurt--I buy either stonyfield farms or dannon natural. I sometimes buy greek yogurt for Bella, but it's more expensive so I generally stay away. I make my own yogurt, too (not always, this is something I go through in spurts). I can tell you how if you'd like. I then can sweeten it with whatever I want, and sometimes puree fruit to go in there.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
Honey nut cheerios is a good option available at mainstream markets. Whole Foods actually carries it in their cereal aisle, and they're super picky about their choices. We also do the Annie's bunny cereal, but for some reason, it is not good with milk, so they eat it and drink the milk.
I've actually started baking a lot of fruit (apple, blueberry, banana) or zucchini muffins. I cut the sugar by about half, and replace half the flour with whole wheat. Flour actually contains a pretty good amount of protein, particularly if you use a brand like King Arthur, and muffins are more mobile. I bake them in the mini muffin pans so they pack easily. It's actually the only way I can get TB to eat banana (he has no idea). So I can pack both protein and fruit/veg into their breakfast.
Christmas 2011