is getting in the way of me being on the bump. WTH! ha ha.
No seriously... I'm now secretary of my mom's club so between working on my duties and actually attending club activities, we're more busy. Plus we were on vacation last week. Plus... just busy this summer, I guess.
I miss this board. I feel like I've hardly been here lately!
Re: Real life...
I love bumpin' it up. I have 2u2 and everything they do I wanna come running here to advertise about! Lol.
As busy as they keep me. I'm on here a lot because I take college courses online - so I multi-task when I'm on the web. Good little venting spot!
Secretary of mom's club sounds fun though, I wish my city had a local mom's club!
I've been looking.
Me too. I haven't been on here much lately. Between dance class, storytime, working on our house, playdates and TONS of other things going on, I just don't have much time. DH is a teacher and home for the summer but I'm ready for fall and our normal routine which involves me bumping during naptime everyday
The board has seemed really slow too.....