Stay at Home Moms

Hey Everyone

Hey to the people I've met and haven't met. Grayson is getting so big, he's 5.5 months old now. I'm getting a bit of cabin fever. I'm thinking of getting a job but have to admit how "simple" SAH is. The fiance works and I stay with our son. Little bit of house work...  and then my fi is home by 2:30pm EVERYDAY! We do fine on his measely paycheck because our house and vehicles were all bought by our parents so everything is paid for. We just have power, cable, phone/internet. I get $350 for groceries for me and my son because I'm technically a single mom.But some days I just want to get out of the house. Anyone got any tips on avoiding the mid-week SAHM cabin fever slump? Especially with a 5mo old.
Grayson Kirby Born Feb 15th

Re: Hey Everyone

  • I don't know what kind of city programs you have out there but you may want to consider joining a mom and baby group class like a "family fun time" or music and movement class. It'll get you out of the house and be something interesting for your son as well. :)

    Do you have any SAHM friends? You can schedule playdates at other homes, parks, or restaurants for some "adult lunch" time with the kids in tow.

    Since you don't have to work I definitely would just enjoy hanging out with my kid, plus you're saving that day care money you would be spending!

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  • I've looked for those groups but haven't found any good ones close by. I've though about creating one but figured that would be a huge task.


    I have a few SAHM friends. But their kids are all older which poses a problem. I know many single moms with young kids but they all work during the day. But my cousin has a 1.5 year old step daughter (long story) that she keeps every other week and we do kid stuff together. But poor Grayson gets stepped on cause the little girl just learned to walk. 

    Grayson Kirby Born Feb 15th
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  • Go to the library and look into story time. Our library has three different times and ages. Best part is that you can meet other moms and relax with other kids  your child's age.

    You can also look into the churches around you for a MOPS group or other such group.

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