I'm 18-19w along right now and if it needed to be scheduled, this week apparently was the time to do it... This AM I stayed up until 4AM cleaning to get ready for roofers coming (they need to come in the house to put in a vent for our bathroom fan).. I no sooner than get up less than 4 hours later to find stuff I had stacked neatly strewn all over... Then it was get DD picked up from gymnastics, quick shower, off to the OB with DD in tow, then back home, off to the gym, just in time to feed DD supper, put water damaged cardboard and such into the dumpster, in time for DH to come home and I ask for help because I can't simply do it all myself tonight, and of course, all you SAHM's can relate... He goes into the other room and is within a minute of falling asleep..
Our house is so cluttered up right now because I've been so exhausted with the PG and DD...all I wanted...I know it sounds simple.. was to clear enough space to scrub the floor so it'd at least SMELL clean in here and have the bathroom clean (right next to the attic entry)... I mean, I'm not asking for much.. Then tomorrow, he's got to open at work (closed tonight), which means, I've got to open the house up for the roofer and take DD to a reading thing he signed her up for... And, it's going to thunderstorm in the afternoon so there's going to be that much more need for speed from the roofers tomorrow..
Pity party I know, but it's one of those things that SAHM's can relate to more than anyone.. I'm just so gosh darn exhausted but can't go to bed early tonight either and have to be up with the chickens in the morning... I just want to cry - I simply just can't do it all myself and the other half of this equation just doesn't "get" how wiped out I am!
Re: Exhausted and no backup...
Unless your DH had just come home from a 24 hour shift, there is no excuse for him to ignore your request for help.
You also might need to relax your expectations for the next few months of pregnancy/newborn at home. I know you want a clean home but it's not worth killing yourself over. If you can't do it all, you have to let go of something.
Flylady helped us get back on track around the house - maybe it can help you *and your DH!
Is a cleaning crew in your budget? If it is, then I'd hire someone.
If not, maybe consider getting a mother's helper for your DD so you can get stuff done around the house?
And lastly, you need to discuss this with your DH and quickly. You're going to burn out soon and be resentful and angry at him for not helping.