I always get good answers from this board.... So I really need some encouragement as I am pretty frustrated. It has been almost 7 months since I have given birth to my son and I am still not able to have successful intercourse. We have tried but it only results in pain. A few months ago I had a pap and doc removed a polyp in the downstairs area that I got from giving birth (extremely painful). I had hoped after having that removed that things would get better. My doctor also said that because I am bf'ing it takes longer for the area to heal and the hormones... etc. I just wondered if anyone else had the discomfort I am having so long after giving birth. I read all these things about women getting right back in there a few weeks after birth and just can't imagine that. At this point I am even wondering if I will be able to get pregnant again when I want to. DH is great about things but I am frustrated- any hope anyone can give me is appreciated!
Re: Not sure where else to post this ?
Personally- I would be back on the phone with your doctor.
I can only speak for myself with BFing- my drive was non existent. However when Chase weaned (9.5 mo)- my drive went through the roof. However I never had pain and we were back at it at a month. With #1- it was sore for a little bit afterwards 2 months PP maybe- and things started to get back to normal (painwise). have you tried lots of lube? A lot of people say that- when they are BFing. Will lots of foreplay help?
But I really think you should give your doctor a phone call and discuss it further with him.
I don't think it's normal to have pain this long after giving birth. I would definitely call your doctor. And are you using lube? If not, that would probably help.
Not everyone hops in the sack within weeks of giving birth. Ben was something like 3.5-4 months old before we had sex for the first time after his birth. Between all of the healing down there and the utter lack of sleep, I just wasn't in the mood.
DD2: Lucia (Lucy) 07/13
i'm going to pm you.