Is VBAC still a good idea? I got a wishy washy answer from the 1 doctor of my 5 doctor practice. She seemed to lean toward C-section but was not pushy. I'm sure she just wanted to present herself as being open to VBAC even though she prefers I get a c-section. My hospital is very supportive of natural birth and prefers to keep the c-section rate down. I kind of assumed I would have another c-section so I didn't think too much about time between pregnancies, but I'm considering VBAC now. I'll chat w/ all the other doctors to see what they say, but I was just curious what information you all have or your opinions. The idea of uterine rupture does freak me out a bit, but a shorter recovery time is appealing.
Re: Due 15 months after last birth/pregnancy
woa amazing! Thanks for that!
We will probably start ttc when dd is 8 months.
But, my ob said I was able to ttc, and try for a vbac, at my 5 weeks appointment.
It is my understanding that the incision is as healed as it is going to be at 2 months.