Just kidding. I read the FAQs. Thought I'd introduce myself. My name is Emma and I wasn't planning on being a SAHM but work didn't work out with pumping. I used to work in a dental office and I miss the patients, but have really enjoyed being home with my daughter. I've been lurking a little bit and I mostly post on PAL. So, uh, hello, nice to meet you

. Questions, comments, concerns, margaritas?
***** TTCAL/Forever Buddy to Cour10e******
-m/c at 11w2d due to partial molar 2008 -m/c #2 2009
Beautiful daughter born February 2011

**Ultimate TTCALer 2009**

Re: Work from home ?
mmmm margaritas!
Nice to see a lurker who knows the dealio!
And I was just about to pour myself a shot, lol. Welcome:)
DD2: Lucia (Lucy) 07/13
It's been an interesting morning for me running errands with DD, so I'll take a margarita
Nice to meet you
Welcome. :-)
And, I think it's awesome that you were able to take the leap and make an unplanned change when things weren't working out with work/pumping.
I had a drink anyway ... ;-)