July 2011 Moms

I think I'm in labor!

and yes I'm bumping...but I want DH to get as much sleep as possible so I'm just hanging out working through contractions right now hoping they get closer and stronger.

Here's the scoop-

around 4pm yesterday I noticed that my ctx were consistent and seemed timeable. We had gone shopping all day long so that I could just walk around in the AC and get out of the house. On the 50 minute drive back the ctx were consistently 15 min apart and they stayed that way until around 8 pm. At that time they seemed to be between 11 and 13 min apart so DH and I decided to go to bed just in case. I woke up a million times to pee and around 12:45 as I laid in bed tryin gto get back to sleep, my ctx became to painful to lay through. I kept going to the toilet becasue it felt like I had to go #2. I kept trying to get in bed and make myself go to sleep but then would be awoken every 10 minutes and have to get up. Jump to 2:45- I have a pretty painful contraction while on the toilet, some loose stool and a little bloody show. now i start to think it could be the real thing so I try to lay down again. ctx still around 10 min apart. 4:40ish- another pretty strong one, some more #2 like my body is trying to clean out and then I lose this huge red mucus plug!

ctx are now 7-10 mins apart. I can breathe through them and even talk as long as I am moving around. In between them I feel absolutely normal and keep wondering if it is all going to stop suddenly.

Let's hope not!!!!!!!! If anyhting- I'm that much closer right!

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