When DD was born, someone clicked in her chart that she was "Baby Boy". My nurse spotted it and said she changed it to "Baby Girl", and I didn't think another thing about it, until today. I logged onto my insurance website and my DD is listed as Baby Boy on her doc appts and hospital paperwork!
Of course, I see this on a Saturday and there is nothing can do about it until Monday! I had a massive fit about it (thank you hormones!) and and completely worked up. I am just worried that this will have some kind of effect on out insurance as well as a delay in getting all of her vital paperwork (birth cert and SS card).
Thankfully, I have the birth cert that they gave me at the hospital (the one with her foot print and my thumb print) that lists her as female and I have her hospital bracelet that lists her as female.
Just one more thing to deal with! (vent over)
Re: total freakout mode (paperwork vent)
We'll miss you sweet Debbie Girl (4.21.12) and sweet Cindy Girl (8.9.12)

But I totally understand your frustration. You've just been through a lot!