I'm a huge lurker on here. I think I've only posted once and commented on a few thing. But, I was curious about something...
I am so extremely tired. I am due on 7/29. I am not dilated at all (as of Thursday's appointment) and it feels like this is never going to change! Just feeling a little frustrated. I've had bursts of nesting but not any crazy long stretches where DH comes home and I've alphabetized the soup cans or anything like that.
I woke up this morning from a full 9 hours, and managed to stay awake for an hour before going back to bed for a two hour nap. I was just wondering if any of you experienced the same thing. Did you sleep a lot before going into labor or did you have that insatiable urge to nest?
-sorry, I had this up a minute ago, but I wanted to put a poll on because, who doesn't like being able to click their answer? [Poll]
Re: exhaustion vs. nesting- Poll
I was mostly exhausted for several weeks, but managed to nest in short spurts between all those naps (especially for the few days I was at home on leave before I went into labour).
ETA: duh, weeks not years!
Funny that you posted this. I generally don't sleep that much - usually 7 hours even during pregnancy. Last night I slept for 10 hours... when I woke up I discovered I lost my plug. I just took another nap. Hope labor is on the way
But nesting alot or being totally exhausted could definitely be a sign. good luck!!
I'm glad to see most people are exhausted versus nesters. I have been so lazy lately sometimes having my first nap just a few hours after getting up in the morning. I don't sleep through the night anymore, but for some reason today I haven't napped, have been awake for over 13 hours and I went on a mad cleaning spree, so maybe I have nested today? No progress as far as I know of, no bloody show, no mucus plug and no internals yet to tell me that I'm not progressing. Baby has been very active this evening and feels as though s/he has been trying to claw out of my cervix, so I'm hoping this means something more than just being extremely uncomfortable!
Best of luck ladies!!
I was exhausted and my sleep cycle was off. The entire third tri I'd be in bed by 9pm and up at 7am, then that last week I was falling asleep at 3-4am and sleeping until 11am.
I did have artificial nesting though (which mil claims was real nesting but I say no). We knew our induction was Tue at 7 so Monday we both went crazy cleaning the house. It's easier to nest when you know a baby is 100% coming the next day.
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