July 2011 Moms

Breastfeeding Moms, when to introduce a bottle?

My DH and I are debating going to a wedding for a couple hours and leaving Avery with my parents and sister who are here visiting. So that would mean having some pumped milk around for them in case she gets hungry. She has slept for 3 and 4 hour stretches, so if we are lucky she'll sleep while we are gone. Anyway, I've googled this a bit but am interested in personal experiences and advice from you ladies on how and when to introduce a bottle and hope she won't reject the boob later.
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Re: Breastfeeding Moms, when to introduce a bottle?

  • With DS we introduced around 2 or 3 weeks. He took it right away and did not have any issues continuing to BF. However, I will say we were not consistent with the bottle when he was a newborn so he decided after 4 months he never wanted to take one again! I dont think it has to do with introducing it at 2/3 weeks though. 
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  • I am curious about this as well. You will probably get better/more answers if you post it on the "0-3 Month" board though. I am thinking of introducing the bottle after two weeks (so DH can help with nighttime feedings), but I am not sure.

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  • I had to introduce a bottle when he was only 3 days old because he wasn't getting enough BM and I don't have a pump. The LC suggested pace feeding - basically you sit the baby almost upright and only let the nipple fill halfway while he eats. That way he has to work for the milk. He will get a lot of gas but burping him is NBD. I'm still mostly BFing with a couple of bottles here and there because he's not gaining quickly enough (he's sleepy at the breast), but I haven't had issues with nipple confusion.
    image image
    D: Born 7.14.11
    Baby #2: BFP 9.19.12, EDD 5.24.13, natural m/c 10.19.13 at 9w
    O: Born 3.2.14 (med-free!)
  • We introduced the bottle at 2 weeks at the advice of our pediatrician. She said 2-4 weeks is best so that they don't reject it later on. She also said that over her entire career (almost 30 years) she's never seen a case of nipple confusion. Hope this helps!
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  • General practice is to wait 3 weeks, but I don't think it would hurt if you only gave her one.  We waited 3 weeks and had zero problems. 
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  • I dont plan to introduce bottle until she is about 4 weeks shortly before I go back to school.
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  • DD #1 had a really good latch and was a great eater from the start. We introduced a bottle a little early - around 3 weeks - and didn't have a problem. DD #2 isn't as good of an eater, so we will probably wait the full recommended 4 weeks before doing it with her.

    Personally, I think 1 week, is a little early. But, you could go by how her eating is so far and ask your LC, if you have one.  

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  • Evan is 10 days and we have been giving him a bottle at night since he came home. I've been using the Nuk 0 month. No nipple confusion at all.
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  • My little girl is a week old and because of our travel recently, DH has fed her by bottle (tommee tippee) two times already. We also have given her a pacifier. No nipple confusion whatsoever but who knows what the future holds.

    Good luck. My LC says follow your instincts.

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  • DD got her first bottle at 2 days old after becoming dehydrated and getting a fever in the hospital. She's been getting breastfed, then bottle for every other feeding (bf every feeding) and seems to be doing fine alternating. Now that my milk is coming in we can drop the formula, yay!

    We'll probably reintroduce around 2-3 weeks so I know she's good to go when i have to go back to work.

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