We're discussing it on a few different posts so figured we could have a dedicated post for any convo...
Like many of you, I have been doing it, getting some contractions but then they fizzle hours later....so frustrating!
I do believe that any contraction is good so I'm sticking with it and am also doing it when I have sporadic contractions/cramps that come on their own.
Post your experience, techniques, progress etc. I really feel like out of everything i've tried it's the ONE thing that seems to have effects.
Re: those who have been interested in nipple stimulation
Hey Catie--I did both the nipple stimulation with my fingers, the shower, and also pumped. Nothing worked for me, but I agree with you, every contraction is a good one!
I think what worked was upping vaginally inserting EPO. I was doing just one tablet at night for a week or so before increasing it to three. I was also taking three orally. It was gross coming out, but I think it worked!
Is that large mouth bass you are fishing for? I see you are in Charlottsville, what lake are you at? I love large mouth bass fishing! I haven't done it in years, but we used to go to Lake Anna all the time and fish for them.
Same here! The more housework I do, the more contractions I get. If only I had enough energy to keep it up.
"The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing." Psalm 23:1
I've done it 3-4 times now with my pump for a couple hours at a time.
I've done anything from 5 min per side to 20 min per side with 5 min breaks inbetween. I think all its done is given me BH's because they certainly aren't painful. I want to give up everything right now. NOTHING has worked, lol.
Oh future.mrs.hall I've been thinking abotu you all day!!! i started reading your story this morning but had to stop to head out. I just got home and logged right on to read the rest. It is SO encouraging to me right now to read a story like yours. Late baby, no problems, natural fast birth, 9 pounder and minimal tearing....sigh...this is what I am hoping for with all my heart! Well I'd happily take a 7 pound baby but my MW thinks he is well beyond that now
Your story makes me so happy to just wait it ut and let him come on his own. Congrats momma, it sounds like you did an amazing job!
I also stepped up the EPO...I have to put a giant pad on
it is pretty yucky. Sex is much more uncomfortable than it was a couple of weeks ago so we haven't been able to really "get prostaglandins" that way, therefore I figured I'd start inserting the EPO. I was only taking it orally for the last month. I'm hoping it softens things down there at the very least...
again, your story is amazing and gives me the boost I need to relax and wait for him to come when he is ready. Thanks momma!!