Im probably just being bratty and hormonal but my ILs are "stopping by" today (they live an hour away) to drop something off that my DH "must have" right away. (he really doesnt need it yet at all and we will see them in a few days anyway at the hospital) They are nice people, but I can only take them in small doses. Normally I can smile and deal with them for a few hours for DHs sake but I am two days from my due date. I dont want to entertain. Theyre really just coming over because theyre overly anxious for LOs arrival (MIL will NOT stop texting me 24/7 asking if he is here yet). I wanted to just sit around today and enjoy my last weekend before LO arrives and for once talk about something other than the pregnancy. Ok, vent over. Thanks for letting me get that out
Re: NBR: Why oh why must my ILs come by today for no reason?