Which is what I was expecting...he's EDD is July 26th.
Not that anyone really cares, but I had my appt on Friday and was not dilated or effaced or anything. Yeah, yeah, I know...it doesn't mean a whole lot...but that doesn't mean I wasn't wishing for it anyway....
It was funny though...my Dr asked me "How do you feel about that?" and if I "wanted to wait it out or jump start things". I told her I'd rather wait it out...so my next appt is next Friday, when I will be 40 weeks and 3 days. If I hit 8 days over though....an induction will be scheduled to evict by the 9th.
I'm scared to death of being induced. I know people do it all the time...but it just seems so much harder. I really want my body to go into labor on its own and not have to be augmented and jump-started by drugs. Its not like I'm one of those die hard "med free" girls....lol I just am hoping my body/baby gets with the program and starts the process on its own!
Re: Well...its official. My LO will be a Leo!