I hardly ever post on this board... getting anything lengthy out is hard with a toddler!
But... I am a little bit terrified, and I don't know what to do! With DS, I went into labor at 40+3 and he was born the morning of 40+4. I took Bradley classes and planned a med-free birth. I did what I was supposed to, got to the hospital at 5-6 cm, was at 8 cm two hours later... aaaaaand then stalled at 9 cm. For 8 hours. I got the epidural around hour 6 of that disaster, when they started talking c-section and I got scared the anesthesiologist would have to rush if I waited and something worse happened. Turned out DS was stuck because he had his arm wedged beside his head, which is how he eventually came out. Lots of stitches, yadda yadda. Anyway... worst experience OF. MY. LIFE. Honestly. It resulted in my perfect DS and I still feel that way.
Long story (kind of) short, the reason we went Bradley is because I have a phobia of needles. Not a fear, a genuine "I'm in therapy and we talk about this" problem with needles. I can't get a flu shot without anxiety meds. This time around, I planned to try med free again. Objectively speaking, I had a GREAT experience with the epi- no joke, rationally, I know it was totally fine and 1000x better than laboring without. Couldn't feel it going in at all, worked just right the first time. No side/after effects. But I'm still irrationally terrified of getting the f-ing thing again. Bradley classes, incidentally, not helpful with that.
Here's my ?: My induction date is Tuesday at 41w. I am 40+3. DD is measuring big, which she has been all along and I can definitely -feel- compared to my DS (who was a respectable 8 lbs. 3 ozs.) Head is 90th%. At my last appt. (40w) I was 2-3 cm, 70-80%, and -2. I am so, so, SO scared to be induced. I honestly think it's keeping me from going into labor on my own. Dr. says the plan would be to break my water if I'm scared of the meds since I'm progressed enough for that to work, but then I have 24 hours before it's a c-section. Labor with DS was 30, but my water didn't break until right before he came out. So what is being induced like? Is it horrible? Anyone labor naturally with the first, and induce with the second? Help! Please! I wish it were contrax keeping me up and not anxiety :P
Re: Induced mamas... help? Please?
I was scared of induction, and ended up being induced at 41 weeks. I had a fairly easy induction. It started off with pitocin, which they steadily increased.
I checked in at 6:30 AM. Pitocin started at 7. I didn't feel much pain until 11:30AM. I got the epidural at 1:00PM. My water broke around this time. I was ready to push at 2 PM. I had 3 push sessions with a nurse, then spent the rest of the time waiting for the doctor. Then, when the doctor came, I had three push sessions, and she was born at 3:05 PM. I'm a first time mom, so I was surprised at how short it was.
Now, obviously, induction doesn't always turn out like this, and I was fairly lucky. I just wanted to show you that induction doesn't always turn out badly.
DD born 07/2011 DD due 11/18/2013
Thank you for sharing your experience
Something like that, I think I could handle. I guess I'm just more scared of the unknown than I am of what I've already been through, even though it was awful. For as many "horror stories" I've read online/in birthing books about induction, I have yet to meet (IRL or "personally" on the internet) someone who had a truly negative experience with induction.
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