Ok so it's not really modeling but here's my situation. I had the boys' 6-mo pictures taken by my regular wedding/baby photographer. She happened to be vacationing the same week as us, so she offered to do the pictures at the beach. Somehow after she posted them on her blog, the beach's chamber of commerce saw them and has asked to use the pictures in some kind of promo material. We live more than 3 hours away, and the boys don't need to do anything else related to this. I don't see any reason to not allow use of the photos, but I just want to make sure I'm thinking this through. Has anyone been in a similar situation and if so what did you do? I figure twin/trip+ moms get approached with this kind of thing from time to time...
P.S. Didn't bellasmom have a post like this once? WTH happened to her????
Re: Babies "modeling"?
tsquared - she did just disappear, right? Since I went back to work, I haven't been on as much. I remember she was accused of being a troll (which I had always suspected but couldn't pin down why)... and then when I started coming back around, I noticed she wasn't here any more.
I say do it! Def. something cool to add to their baby books. My niece was paid to model for Meijer ads (a midwest grocery chain) and it's such a fun keepsake. My DD was also taken on by the same agency and I was totally cool with it, but our relocation put the brakes on that.
I think it's fun and I would just request that if you approve the use of the image it is in writing that it is for materials you've approved and the image won't be sold to any additional parties for use you're not aware of.