July 2011 Moms

Back with a birth story

I haven't had a chance to be on the Bump since my little guy was born, but I finally had a moment today and have loved seeing all the new pictures of the little ones and reading the birth stories, so I thought I'd share mine, which turned out to be fast and furious.

My water broke at 6 PM on my due date, July 10. It was a Sunday night and I was lying on the couch watching a movie with DH feeling mopey because I'd had my membranes stripped on that Friday and was really hoping baby would arrive over the weekend. I hadn't felt anything other than Braxton Hicks, though. I was resigning myself to the fact that I'd have to go to work the next day when I heard and felt a POP and ran to the bathroom-- sure enough, my water had broken.

DH made me a sandwich, which I chowed down before going to the hospital. By the time we got to triage at 7 PM, I was feeling strong contractions 5-6 minutes apart. I got moved to a delivery suite and sat in the bathtub for awhile while I waited for my doctor to arrive so she could order the epidural. I got the epi around 9:30 PM. It helped take away some of the strength of the contractions, but I could still feel quite a bit of pain-- the nurse said it was because the baby was so low already in the pelvic structure, and I think his little head was pressing on my sciatic nerve. YEOW. At about 11:45 I started pushing and at 12:45 AM on July 11, Liam was born, weighing 8 lbs., 1 oz and 20.5 inches long.

This is my first baby and I'm still adjusting to the new schedule (or lack thereof), but I am simply amazed at the human body and what it can go through (birth, breastfeeding, recovery) all within a matter of days and weeks. Best of luck to those of you with the amazing journey of birth still ahead of you, and to those of you enjoying your babies' first days. Here are some newborn photos we had taken when Liam was 5 days old.




DX: I'm a Recurrent Loser
Me (35) + DH (37) - Married Sept. 2007
BFP #1 - DS born 7/11/11
BFP#2 11/13/13 - EDD 7/29/14 - M/C at 5w3d
BFP #3 12/28/13 - EDD 9/7/14 - M/C at 4w6d
BFP#4 3/27/14 -  EDD 12/5/14 - Girl lost to 45X at 8w6d - D&C 
BFP#5 10/15/14 - EDD 6/30/15 - M/C at 7w2d
BFP #6 1/5/15 - EDD 9.16.14 [CLICKY for progress]
In search of a image

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