I'm freaking out. Cooper has been just fine, totally healthy. He had a big mucus spit-up while the nurse was in the room so she said she'd take him to the nursery to get him cleaned up and clear out his mouth. Some time had passed so I went down and noticed several of the nurses standing around his bed. One came out and said he was breathing a little faster than they liked so they called the doc in the NICU. They want him brought down there to be checked out. Although the nursery nurses said he looks great and his coloring is just fine, I'm totally freaking out. They said they want the docs down there to see him and one will come talk to me soon. I wasn't allowed to go with him. I'm also alone because DH went to pick-up our son to come meet his brother. I was able to call in time and tell him to turn around. DS will get dropped off with my parents and DH will be back within the hour. I want the doctor to come tell me this was just precautionary. I can't stand sitting here alone wondering if something might be wrong with him.
Re: Just took Cooper to NICU
It sounds like it is precautionary. Nurses can't make any calls about whether or not things are okay, so they get the doctors or nurse practitioners in there to decide.
Thinking of you!
We'll miss you sweet Debbie Girl (4.21.12) and sweet Cindy Girl (8.9.12)

3 more miscarriages and finally a correct diagnosis (septate uterus) and a corrective uterine surgery later, our second blessing is here!
BFP #3 via cancelled IUI ~ C (2lb 3oz; HELLP) 5/16/11
BFP #4 via the natural (free!) way ~ E (8lb 11oz) 9/13/12
T&P to you and Cooper! When they took my DD to the nursery for routine tests, my DH came back into the room to find me sobbing (and absolutely nothing was wrong!)
I am sure your LO is big and strong and will be back in your arms soon!