"Mom's Desires" vs. "Baby's Safety"

my post title is how my ob today worded me going for a vbac ("mom's desires") vs. a RCS ("baby's safety"). My ob has never had a patient with uterine rupture and has done a lot of vbacs. I just am torn now on what to do when it was presented to me like this. Obviously, I want my baby to be safe but I really want to try to VBAC since I had a horrible c/s recovery after my twins (I was induced with them and had to convert to a c/s).

My ob also said she wouldn't go past my 40 week due date if I decide to VBAC. I will have to go into labor on my own on or before my due date in order to attempt one. 

FWIW, I'm not considered the most ideal candidate for a VBAC in my ob's eyes b/c with my DDs, I didn't progress well when induced nor after they broke baby A's water. Ultimately, baby B repositioned herself to where my MFM felt it was best to convert to a c/s.


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Re: "Mom's Desires" vs. "Baby's Safety"

  • I would find a new OB, immediately. One who is actually SUPPORTIVE of VBACs and who is up to date on research.

    Why would she present those 2 things as mutually exclusive? They're not.

    Where are you in Texas?

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  • Look for a new provider! VBAC is a reasonable choice. Try ICAN, they can help you find someone.
    DS1 - Feb 2008

    DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)

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  • Oh that makes me cringe!  I agree with changing providers and did so myself at 25 weeks this time around and mine wasn't even as bad as what you're describing. 
    DS born via c/s 11/08 and med-free GD VBAC DD 3/11! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • blf722blf722 member

    New provider, STAT!  No mother should be made to feel that she is putting her child in danger by having a VBAC. There are also risks to a c/s that can put mother and baby in danger, too.  Also, your previous labor/delivory is not necessarily a good indicator of how your next will be.  With my 1st I was induced at 42 weeks (ended in c/s) and with my 2nd my water broke spontaneously (at 41 weeks) after 6 days of prodromal labor.


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  • "Desires" irks me...Your safety is also a factor and you are safer by trying to VBAC then signing up for a RCS. I don't know why so many O.B.'s don't take the mother's safety more seriously. Yes, a VBAC may put the baby at slightly more risk but what about the children who need their moms to be kept safe? The maternal death rate is higher in RCS than VBACS and this will be a big motivator to attempt to VBAC in the future.

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  • imageHarper'smom:

    "Desires" irks me...Your safety is also a factor and you are safer by trying to VBAC then signing up for a RCS. I don't know why so many O.B.'s don't take the mother's safety more seriously. Yes, a VBAC may put the baby at slightly more risk but what about the children who need their moms to be kept safe? The maternal death rate is higher in RCS than VBACS and this will be a big motivator to attempt to VBAC in the future.


    RCS also carries risks for the baby.  Babies born by cesarean are more likely to have respiratory problems after birth.  C/s babies are more at risk for asthma in childhood and a new study came out just recently showing c/s kids are more at risk for respiratory diseases in the first 3-6 years of life (yes, years).   There is also new evidence that babies born by c/s are colonized by different bacteria than babies born vaginally and we don't know yet what kinds of effects that can have on a child's short-term or long-term health.  Now, these risks may not be as dramatic as a uterine rupture but it's not as though c/s is risk-free for the baby.

    Your doctor sounds like a jerk.  A mother's physical and emotional heath matter.  They are vital things to consider.  Both VBAC and RCS are safe and reasonable choices.  


    Big sister {September 2008} Sweet boy {April 2011} Fuzzy Bundle {ETA July 2014}

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  • imageiris427:

    "Desires" irks me...Your safety is also a factor and you are safer by trying to VBAC then signing up for a RCS. I don't know why so many O.B.'s don't take the mother's safety more seriously. Yes, a VBAC may put the baby at slightly more risk but what about the children who need their moms to be kept safe? The maternal death rate is higher in RCS than VBACS and this will be a big motivator to attempt to VBAC in the future.


    RCS also carries risks for the baby.  Babies born by cesarean are more likely to have respiratory problems after birth.  C/s babies are more at risk for asthma in childhood and a new study came out just recently showing c/s kids are more at risk for respiratory diseases in the first 3-6 years of life (yes, years).   There is also new evidence that babies born by c/s are colonized by different bacteria than babies born vaginally and we don't know yet what kinds of effects that can have on a child's short-term or long-term health.  Now, these risks may not be as dramatic as a uterine rupture but it's not as though c/s is risk-free for the baby.

    Your doctor sounds like a jerk.  A mother's physical and emotional heath matter.  They are vital things to consider.  Both VBAC and RCS are safe and reasonable choices.  

    This! I would find a new provider ASAP! 

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  • I would absolutely find a new provider, ASAP. Where are you in TX? If you are in the Austin area I can make some recommendations :)
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