Chase is a full blown walker already.
I am nooooooot too excited about that lol. Makes my day just that much harder.
He has been taking steps for about a month- but this past week. 100% walking.
10 months tomorrow and walking.
blah. lol.
Its funny- the first one you can't WAIT until they walk. Second one..... not so much.
Re: AW: Walking
Those months where motor skills excede cognition are so funny (& stressful) to watch - they just walk..with no real plan of action or understanding of where they are headed or what they are going to do next...but some force just drives them to get places.
I remember that with Gisele.
Now with him- he knows where he is going- he is always just chasing after her. It is so funny watching him toddle behind her. The best is watching her hold his hand as he was just learning to walk. and she would walk really slow with him.
Go Chase!
This is kind of mind-blowing for me, as I had the latest walkers ever. DS was 16 months (literally the day we brought DD home fromt he hospital) and DD was 18 months
DS 3.12.08
DD 7.11.09
DD 8.01.13
lol- trust me right now I am WISHING i had a late walker.
Gisele was 12 mo average walker.
Congrats Chase! Sorry Stacy! Lol
DD walked at 9 months and DS at 10. It was not fun either time. With DS, we were not in a big rush either, but he still walked early. We just entered the "Hey, I can climb on the couch, but don't know how to be on it without falling off yet" phase with DS. Not fun!
I swear he came out of utero ready to go.
I took chase in for his 2 month check up and I told the doc he was rolling both ways and he said, 'no way' ~ I laid him on his tummy and he flipped, same the other way- and the doctor was shocked.
At 5 months he was fully crawling and pulling up. At 8 months fully crawling up the steps (supervised of course). At 9 months- standing on his own and taking first steps.
They say babies are either talkers or walkers. Hopefully he won't talk as quickly lol Because there are some days with Gisele by 4pm I am just wanting 5 minutes of NO TALKING. If he talks too- I might really be in for it.
He is growing up way too fast. Think I need another one!!!
I have heard that about the early talker/early walker. Both of mine were super early talkers. My nephew is 6 months older than Charlie and walked at 9 months, but his vocab is nowhere near as good.
They say it all evens out by age 4.
DS 3.12.08
DD 7.11.09
DD 8.01.13
Way to go Chase!! Sorry Stacy. It is harder when they are both mobile.
I understand the bolded part completely. DD was an early talker and still has not slowed down. There are days DS and DD both are in a talkative mood and I just need a few minutes of silence by noon. The worst is when it is constant questions. WHY has become my least favorite word.
Not so good for you, but yay Chase!
My friend has early walkers. Her son walked at 8.5 months and her daughter was walking at 9 months. I can't even imagine!
Yay! Sounds like Owen and Chase are on the same fast track! Owen was super early at 8.5 months and hasnt slowed down since:)