What is everyone planning to do this weekend, other than staying cool?
Tonight is just prep for Parker's party tomorrow- a 4 year old!!
Tomorrow is the party and it's supposed to be 94. Not great weather... : But my BIL/SIL are staying over with their two kids so I'm psyched about spending some quality time with them. We always have a nice visit.
Sunday there is a mass for my mom at 10 and then back to my house where BIL/SIL will be. We'll have lunch and then they're heading out. Then I have to meal plan and get packing for our camping trip. We're leaving on Monday afternoon.
Parker's official birthday is Sunday so she gets to pick her dinner- which is looking like a pepperoni pizza with cheese
Re: TGIF! What's up this weekend?
Tonight will be spent hoping that our neighbors do not have another loud party like last weekend or the weekend before. It is really getting old.
Tomorrow - my sister is in town from Washington DC, so we have brunch with my grandparents and dinner out with my mom and step dad.
Sunday - I am going to drag my husband to IKEA. I also have a small list of items to tackle and organize in the house. He will probably volunteer to take DD to the park to avoid all of it though.
DD #2 - 03.13
awww happy birthday Parker!!! hope she has a great party!
Tonight: I am working after the kids go to bed
Tomorrow: DH is working all day- so I have the kids all day. I am taking them to an indoor water park by myself. And then we have a 3 & 1yr joint bday of our neighbors kids.
Tomorrow night: I have to work.
Sunday: DH will have the kids (get this) ALL DAY- sad to admit that has never happened before. In the am I am having breakfast with my best friend at a hotel in Philly- and then we are getting massages. And then I am going to see Miss Saigon (in philly) with my mom- and then out to dinner with her.
After more than 2 months of work, my backyard is finally done! So tonight we are having a big BBQ with a bunch of friends and family.
Saturday I'm going to a nestie GTG picnic, we have several girls that just moved to our area and I'm excited to meet them!
Sunday is a pool day at my friend's country club, taking DD in the kiddie pool!
Today I had lunch at the mall with a nestie friend and her baby. I also FINALLY got a sorely needed bra fitting at Nordstrom and picked up some new bras. It is amazing to have bras that fit correctly.
After DD wakes up we are going to my brother's house for a swim and dinner. My parents will be there as well
My H is not working all weekend! There was supposed to be a Touch-A-Truck at a local playground but I just read on FB they postponed it to next week due to the extreme heat - which sucks becaise we will be at the beach next weekend.
I am definitely going to the gym tomorrow for an ab clinic. Maybe we'll go to the zoo or something first thing int he am before it gets brutal
DS 3.12.08
DD 7.11.09
DD 8.01.13
DS 3.12.08
DD 7.11.09
DD 8.01.13
Tonight - going to an "Egg Roll party". Apparently DH's cousin makes delicious egg rolls
Bringing DD so we won't be out late.
Tomorrow - DD and I are going to a bday party, then I'm out for a bachelorette party downtown, staying overnight in a nice hotel! It'll be my first night away from my 14 month DD! Yikes!
Sunday - breakfast with the bride + bridesmaids before leaving for home and hanging with DD. Baby pool, outdoor play - hopefully not be nursing a hangover!
DD2: Lucia (Lucy) 07/13
Not a whole lot tonight...just bumming around.
Tomorrow DH and I are running the Warrior Dash with some friends of ours. I'm hoping it will be a distraction for a day.
Sunday is open unless we hear more about what needs to be done for my aunt's funeral or just decided to hang with family.
Tonight we are going out for pizza because DD and DS have been asking for pizza for a week. Then we will probably watch a movie at home.
Tomorrow- We are going to the Please Touch Museum in Philly.
Sunday- church then setting up DD's big girl bed.
It's my birthday weekend! You know you're a mom when you plan to do something for your birthday that your kids will enjoy more than you
Tonight: We're driving to my mom's (3 hour drive)
Sat: My b-day and we're headed to a theme park that has a water park in it
Sun: Birthday potluck with my family. There are four of us that have birthdays in July so we're celebrating all of them and then headed back home.
Not much going on this weekend. Tonight is family movie night.
Tomorrow is ice skating classes for DD's and then probably bbq'ing it the rest the day
Sunday is a chill and clean day I believe... Not sure yet, we might take the kids to a local discovery center to see the Mr. Potato Head exhibit.
Happy Birthday, Parker!!
Jordan is in Ohio with her boyfriend and his family, so it's just DH, Ben and I all weekend.
Tomorrow morning, we are either going to take Ben bowling or to my parents' house to swim. In the afternoon, I'm heading to Old Navy, Target and going food shopping. Tomorrow night, I'm going to watch my Netflix movie that's been sitting here for almost 2 weeks.
Sunday, if we wind up bowling tomorrow, we may take Ben swimming @ my mom and dad's.
Frid - DH got caught up with homework while DD and I did our normal routine and cleaned up from Thursday's beach day
Sat - Rest day. DH has a few honey do items to do around the house and I am going to do some baking.
Sun - We are going to spend the day at the aquarium.
Saturday - DH is working, so my mom and I took DD to Carnival Day at the children's museum. I'm not sure what the plans are for tonight yet.
Sunday - DH will have to work again, so DD and I will go to church by ourselves. Then, my mom is coming over to watch DD for a few hours in the afternoon while I go to a bridal shower.