Good morning and happy July 22nd, y'all! Any activity? Any labor signs? Any progress?
I was only 1 cm last Friday. I've been having tons of BH and more active ctx this week, and yesterday LO dropped even lower, giving me tons of pressure and discomfort. MW comes today, and she'll strip my membranes. Hopefully we'll be meeting our LO soon. I'm sooooooo ready.
Re: Who else is due today?
I'd like to think I'm due everyday now....
Happy due date, I hope it's your day to meet your baby!!!
Very cute! I hope it's your due day too!
I'm also mostly a lurker.....but due today!!!
Wednesday I had my internal, and I was 1cm dilated. Doc said she can feel the head, and that baby was very very low. I lost my mucus plug this morning. I hope all this means that it will be any day now:) really dont want to wait any longer. Good luck to everyone!!!
Me me!! I'm also due today and still got nothin' happening. I was still just 1-2cm at my last appointment on Weds, oh well. My doctor is the one from the practice on call today though, so I really hope today is the day for me...for all of us!!
I'm at work again today, but plan on some walking tonight after I make some eggplant parmesan for dinner. Time to pull out all the stops!
Good luck ladies!!
I am due today. I just woke up from a nap. I am having contractions on and off. I didn't sleep much last night because they kept waking me up. I went to the doc Monday, not dialated but cervix is soft. I am scheduled for and US and NST Tuesday. I really hope I go into labor before then because I don't want to be induced.
Good luck to everyone!
Pregnant with Letrazole (Femara) on the first cycle with DD after TTC 2+ years
TTC#2 with Letrazole (Femara) since January 2012
BFP 06.29.12 EDD 03.11.13 natural m/c 07.13.12
BFP 09.22.12 EDD 05.31.13 natural m/c 10.07.12
CP 11.09.12
BFP 01.01.13 EDD 09.15.13 d&c 01.24.13
BFP 03.26.13 EDD 12.04.13
<a href="" title="Pregnancy"><img src="" alt=" Pregnancy Ticker" border="0" /></a>
My blog
Oh, I hope those ctx turn into something!
Good luck, everybody!
thats a lot!!!! I hope you meet your lo soon
Happy due date!! Curious to see how the membrane stripping goes for you. I've had it done 3x, and kind of had nada from it. No extra discharge or spotting, just some cramping.
Hope your LO comes soon!
My MW had to cancel our appt today b/c another mama who is VBACing at home is having a really long labor. We've rescheduled for tomorrow. Bummed.
I'm due today. I've had contractions off and on for like 3 days. When I went to the doctor Wednesday I was 3 cm dilated and 90% effaced.....I really thought last night when I was having really good consistent contractions I wouldn't be at home bumping...So frustrated.