July 2011 Moms

Shannon Mac Happy---

How long will your midwife let you go before induction? Did she talk about what med they will start with? Will she do ripening gel first? I know you are getting close and I've been thinking about you hoping that you go into labor on your own VERY VERY soon!!!!

SInce we may end up in the same boat (hopefully not) I'm just wondering what your midwife has said as far as a possible induction plan....)

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Re: Shannon Mac Happy---

  • Hey hey! At my appt. yesterday, they did a NST. Everything looked great, so that bought me the weekend. They gave me a script for a BPP, which I will wait till this afternoon to call and schedule :) I'll schedule it for Monday. I have an appt. scheduled with my MWs on Tuesday, where they'll check me and go over the BPP. If still nothing by then, they would give me instructions for a castor oil induction to start Wednesday morning. That way I can still have my med-free birth at the birth center, rather than at a hospital. What have your MWs said about induction? Do you plan on delivering at a birth center, home, or hospital? I can't remember.

    They stripped my membranes yesterday and said my cervix was paper thin, although still not dilated. They seem to think I'll go this weekend, which would be friggin' great, if you ask me :) I was up from 3-7 a.m. this morning with cramp like contrax, lasting approx 1 min, about 6 minutes apart. Really had me going, thinking this might be it. They felt like nothing I've ever felt before. But then they stopped completely. I called my MWs, and they said it was a good sign. Prob. dilated me some. Hopefully they start up again tonight and keep going this time!

    Have you had any labor signs?  Other than those contrax this morning, I've had nada. No loss of mucus plug, bloody show, etc. (even with the membrane stripping).

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  • aesfaesf member
    i really hope you both have babies by monday.
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  • imageaesf:
    i really hope you both have babies by monday.

    Me too!!! :)

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  • gosh I hope little Finnigan comes this weekend!!

    Those contractions this morning could have certianly started dilating you if you are already so thin! hopefully they start up again today!

    here's my deal-

    hospital birth with midwife. I've had contractions everyday for between 2 and 5 hours for 4 days now. They get me going everytime and I try not to pay attention to them but I keep thinking it's happening! Once they fizzle out I keep telling myself that they are my body getting ready and once it happens it will be a nice swift delivery since i'm having all of this cramping and ctx. I have had no loss of obvious MP although my MW says it typcially comes out in little shreds and bits that are not easily detected. I have had what I would call "shreds" in the toilet when I pee sometimes but they are miniscule. no bloody show either. MW did check me and I was high posterior and barely 1cm for her to get a finger in.

    The plan is- I go in on Wed. am, if she can get in there, she will strip my membranes. Then she will instruct me on the castor oil and tell me when she wants me to do it. If no baby by Sunday night I will go in August 1st (Monday) for ripening gel. She says she prefers Cytotec which insanely suprised me but I really trust her and she said that it usually only takes a teeny bit versus cervidil which takes more and often brings on contractions with no dilation which are really painful. If the cytotec does not work, i'm in for pitocin, the smallest possible dose on Wednesday or so. She said that if I tell her at that point that I want a few more days and all is well with baby, she won't push it until she absolutely has to. So I could very well have 42 weeks plus a few days. I'm ok with waiting as long as LO is healthy in there. 

    well it seems like we are more or less on the same page with our LO's and midwives. I really hope you'll be having your baby this weekend! If you don't, I hope the castor oil works!!! I'll be thinking about you this weekend!

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  • Yeah, the plans sound similar. I am sure that, at some point beyond or just at 42 weeks (and if the castor oil fails), then there would be talk of a hospital induction. I just don't think they talk about it. Keeps things positive :) It seems to me, they view castor oil as a fail safe. They said yesterday that because I was so thin, labor inducing things like that will most likely work well. Sounds like you'd be in the same boat. So you would do castor oil before using a cervical ripening agent at a hospital?

    And you're right -- as much as they can seem disappointing, those contrax you're having just mean your body is getting ready! Think of it as a good thing. A few hours later, now I feel lucky that I had some discomfort with my contrax last night, as it gave me a chance to practice my hypno breathing technique. And like my MWs said, anything that happens now (contrax, thinning, dilation, etc.), just means labor will go that much smoother and quicker! Hoping we both see some movement this weekend :)

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  • oh yes I will try castor oil and just about anything else before getting any sort of hospital "procedure". If we had a birth center in my town, I'd be there for the birth but our city has two hospitals and only ONE midwife with delivery rights. If we didn't live so rural I'd consider a home birth but the distacne to the hospital and back country roads are jsut not comfortable to me if something went wrong.

    I hate hospitals!

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  • I hear you! Hospitals -- ick!

    Our birth center is an hour and a half from our house. So, it's a drive. But there are tons of hospitals between us and them, if need be for some reason. At first, I was nervous about the drive. Now, not so much. If there's one thing I've learned it's that, at least for me, this isn't going to be a super fast process! Ha!

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  • imageShannonMacHappy:

    Have you had any labor signs?  Other than those contrax this morning, I've had nada. No loss of mucus plug, bloody show, etc.(even with the membrane stripping). 

    Sounds like me.  My midwife has said nothing about castor oil though, just that when (and if) I decide to be induced it'll start that night with cervidil, and then I would go come and come backfor pitocin in the AM.  I have no real cutoff and I can go as long as I like (as long as my NST and BPP on tuesday come back fine) since I'm planning on delivering at the hospital.

    I hope something happens for you soon so you can still use the birthing center! 

  • imagex0stephanie:

    Sounds like me.  My midwife has said nothing about castor oil though, just that when (and if) I decide to be induced it'll start that night with cervidil, and then I would go come and come backfor pitocin in the AM.  I have no real cutoff and I can go as long as I like (as long as my NST and BPP on tuesday come back fine) since I'm planning on delivering at the hospital.

    I hope something happens for you soon so you can still use the birthing center! 

    Thanks! Me too! I feel pretty confident about being able to avoid a hospital induction. I just scheduled a BPP for Monday afternoon, but here's hoping I can't show up for it :)

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