We got DD a sand and water table this spring, and she likes it, but she gets bored after a while. She also has a small plastic pool, but it got a hole and is leaking pretty bad. She has a wagon we can pull her in. She doesn't have any other outdoor toys other than occasionally running through the sprinkler and a trike that is too big for her. Not that she probably needs any more toys because she just likes to be outside, but I kinda want to get her something else. Any recommendations for good outdoor toys? Does anyone have a swing set in your yard? Is it worth it? Thanks!
Re: What outdoor toys do your kids have?
We dont have a full swingset yet, but in the future. For now, we have a swing that hangs off the tree (which DS would live in if we let him) as well as a slide.
Other outdoor toys he has are toy rakes/shovels, a toy lawnmower, and a 4 wheeler.
We have (for my almost 3.5 y/o):
A trampoline (Christmas gift from "Santa" last year)
A thing called a plasma car that my ILs gave her
A police car Cozy Coupe (used from a friend)
A plastic trike
A sand and water table (was at my mom's, then we brought it here)
A plastic slide (Craigslist)
A two-sided easel that has a chalkboard and a clip for an easel pad with two little chairs (Craigslist)
A kite
And then an assortment of things like bubbles, paints, gardening toys, and sand/water toys.
She actually does play with ALL of them. I'm dying to get rid of some stuff and am constantly purging the smaller toys, but she uses all of her other toys pretty regularly.
We have
a little tikes play house-- https://www.littletikes.com/toys/endless-adventures-tikes-town-playhouse.aspx
coze coupe
sand box
water table
little tikes climber-- https://www.littletikes.com/toys/8-in-1-adjustable-playground.aspx
small plastic pool
Ha - you have the exact same outdoor toys as we have! DD also has and really loves big beach balls. You can get them at Target for like $3.
We got a simple birdfeeder at Home Depot that she LOVES to fill and watch whenever birds come around (not often, unfortunately, because of neighborhood cats). On the same note, you could start some basic gardening projects for her if you have a yard.
We have alot of things because of the girls's age gaps and my neice and nephews come over often so we have:
A huge toy box for whatever toys don't fit in the house
A sprinkler toy
A plastic pool
Water activity table
Water balloons
Water guns (4)
Lots of chalk and the crayola 3D glasses and chalk since we have a blacktop driveway it works great
slip n slide
Trikes (3)
Little Tykes climber
Ball pit balls that we fill the plastic pool up with when it doesn't have water
Lots of bug things since the kids love bugs
Soccer ball, volleyball (2)
T-ball set with balls
2 bikes
Toddler push toy
We've got a Little Tikes climber and slide. It's just a square one that I got off CL for like $25. I also bought a pirate ship water table. That was brand new, so more expensive at like $75. THAT is a hit. My kids play with it constantly!!
We also have a tub of toys outside with balls, some foam bats, bubbles, kiddie lacrosse sticks, etc. We have a soccer goal/net out there and they really enjoy kicking and throwing the balls into there.
We have 2 parks within walking distance to our house but even if we didn't I don't think a full on swing set would be worth it.