Next Wednesday at 8pm I go in to L&D for my induction if LO does not arrive on his own. Not for any medical reason its just how my Dr. does things.
It took a while but the feeling is finally starting to sink in that next week I will be holding my baby boy. What a crazy feeling! I am still hoping he comes on his own though.
Re: One week til induction
I am also going in next Wed. to be induced at 4am. I am not due until that Thurs. but my doc is on vacation this weekend and the following weekend and will only be in the office next W, T, & F and the only day open to schedule an induction next week was Wed. so that's what we're doing. We also have a yearly vacation with extended family planned for Aug. 12 and were hoping baby would come early or at least on time, so we really don't want to go over my due date otherwise I won't feel comfortable going with him. I've never been induced before and am really nervous and hoping LO decides to come on his own before next Wed. I was planning a natural birth and am concerned that I won't be able to do it if they give me pitocin. My doctor said we could cancel if we wanted to, but she won't let me go past Aug. 8th.
Here's to hoping our LO's pick their own b-days.