July 2011 Moms

Not dropped?

Has anyone else not dropped by 39 weeks?? My Dr. keeps making a big deal about this.  I have no clue what it means.  She says that is why there is no cervical change due to no pressure.  Am I a lost cause?
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Re: Not dropped?

  • gosh i hope not! i'm 39 weeks tomorrow and i havent either. i actually think this baby has backed himself up towards my boobs. i can't imagine we're a lost cause. we've got two weeks before we need to start to worry.
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  • I'm due July 26th and I'm pretty sure I haven't dropped either...my boobs rest on my bump still! 


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  • At my 39 week check (last week), I hadn't dropped either. I believe I was only at a -2 which isn't bad, but not quite where I want him. Everyone keeps telling me (whether I want to hear it or not) how "That baby hasn't dropped yet...". Whatever. Sometimes the LO won't drop until right before or even during labor. Don't let this get you down! Hang in there!!
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  • Nope, no dropping here but there are times that I feel definite pressure down there...I go in Friday so I don't know about any cervical change...at 37 weeks I was totally closed and hadnt softened...
  • i have dropped but no cervical change...   :(
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  • My doc told me that a lot of FTM babies' don't drop until their water breaks or until they're in active labor and not to put too much weight into that aspect of it.  That being said, LO never dropped and I'm waiting to get a call from the hospital to tell me when my induction is today bc she just doesn't want to come out Sad
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  • I don't think I have dropped. But I am not sure. I do have a very soft cervix and last week was at 1cm. But I think baby is still high. 
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  • You are not a lost cause. I did not drop (or have any dilation) until I went into active labor at 40 weeks and 6 days. Not every woman drops, don't count yourself out yet! This time around at my 38 week apt. my doc said I've dropped "a little" but certainly nothing to write home about...LOL. He did emphasize that anything could still happen at anytime! Good luck!
  • My doctor is kinda pushing a c section.  She is concerned about size so I am having a growth ultrasound.  I feel like this is drastic on her part.
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  • ksulliksulli member
    My doctor is kinda pushing a c section.  She is concerned about size so I am having a growth ultrasound.  I feel like this is drastic on her part.
    if you don't want it push back. My LO didn't drop until my OB broke the water, and I delivered vaginally- she was 9lb10oz.
    *Married 10.10.08*
    TTC #1 9.09 - BFP#1:2.18.10= missed m/c, D&C 4.16
    BFP#2:10.22.10=Avelin born 7.2.11
    TTC#2: 2.13 - BFP#3: 7.25.13=Kelsey born 3.31.14
  • Did you get induced?  He's measuring 9lb 15 oz on the ultrasound.
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