
Update to Eek! Getting admitted...

FFN was positive, contractions weren't stopping and just got put on IV mag sulfate :( These LO's need to stay put for another week, or 4 at least :) If any of you were in same boat, what was your experience???
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Re: Update to Eek! Getting admitted...

  • I don't have the exact same experience but my boys came about a week later than you are now and they are doing great now.  I just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you, I hope they are able to stop the contractions!  Did they give you a steroid shot?  If not, definitely ask about it!
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  • I had a very similar experience. Mag is an interesting drug, it's going to make you feel like complete and total sh!t. I felt hungover. Mine stayed put until 32w6d, I ended up delivering for fetal distress, I probably would have made it a bit farther had my placenta not failed. I did many weeks of hospital bed rest :) but I now have very healthy and happy preemies. Best of luck!! Keep us updated, ill be sending you lots of thoughts and prayers. :) also, ask for the steroid shots. It helps lung development.
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  • Thanks girls! Yes, I did get steroid shot last week when things were starting to turn a bit. Holy he'll this mag is crazy, feel like vag & insides are on fire...
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  • Oh no! No experiences, but thinking of you and those babies and I hope they stay put
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  • imagekmb585:
    Thanks girls! Yes, I did get steroid shot last week when things were starting to turn a bit. Holy he'll this mag is crazy, feel like vag & insides are on fire...
    I wish I could tell you it gets better. It doesn't. I was on it for 48 hours the first ptl scare, and then 72 hours the next time. You are going to feel like you are on the sun, hungover. But it works :) ugh, I feel for you!
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  • no experience to share here but just wanted you to know Im thinking of you and hoping those babies stay put for a while longer!
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  • Did Mag and steroids twice.  For me the mag was only bad during the loading dose...felt like my palms, throat, and "hooha" were on fire, then the maintenance dose was fine (I think it was 2mg/hr?) Anyway, they weren't giving me the mag to hold off labor after my water broke, it was more for neuro protection for the babies.  We delivered at 29w6d and the NICU sucked huge balls, (forgive my crudeness, but it was a major I think sucking huge balls would be ;o)) but we survived and the babies seem to be no worse for the wear.  They do everything two month olds should be doing including smiling, and rolling from tummy to back.  

    Anyway, hang in there!  I know its scary when things don't go as you had hoped, but fortunatly you've cooked em as long as you have!

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  • I don't have an experience like this to share but I did want to say that I am thinking about you and your babies.  I hope that you don't suffer too much on the Mag (ugh) and I hope those LOs stay put for a bit longer for you.  Hang in there girlie!  You have made it this far so you are a champ in my book!
    Dx with severe endometriosis. DS#1 conceived with Met and TI. TTC#2 for 2.5 yrs. Dx 2nd IF. 4 clomid cycles, 2 IUIs, Finally IVF#1 w/ICSI worked for us! twins born 35w3d. Unexpected total hysterectomy 6/11. Now on the HRT train.

  • I was in the same boat as you at 22wks5days with a 0.8 cervix with funneling. They started me on Mag and I stayed on strict hospital bedrest for 10 weeks until I had the girls.

    I was on Mag the entire 10 weeks and the first couple days are the worst, but eventually my body got used to the new "normal".

    Good luck! I will keep you and your LOs in my T&Ps!

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  • I had mag with hospital bedrest with my first pg for a week.. wow. I still remember it 11 years later. Steroid shot earlier on. Totally helped his lungs mature and he had very little breathing issues at birth.

    hang in there!! just take it one day at a time. It will all be worth it.

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  • I don't have any experience with this, other than the fact that I had the FFN test with my son at 32 weeks and it was positive - he ended up arriving 2 days after his due date - so don't let that positive result freak you out.  Especially receiving the mag, it seems like you have a great chance to keep those babies in longer.  Just wanted to say good luck and stay well!
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