July 2011 Moms

Shouldn't I feel something at this point?

I have been more of a lurker from my phone lately since maternity leave started due to my internet at home needing to be fixed, but wanted to say congrats to all the  mommies who already have their outside babies!

Also wanted to know if anyone has or had a feeling they would need to be induced. I really want LO to come this week, but I've barely had any contractions, she hasn't dropped, I haven't lost the mucus plug, I feel like labor isn't going to happen on it's own. Last week my cervix was soft but not dialated..I have an appt tomorrow but I'm dreading hearing I've made no progress! Are these signs that I'll be getting induced next week, or do I still have a chance to go this week?

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Re: Shouldn't I feel something at this point?

  • FWIW, I was a fingertip dilated for 5 weeks now and soft... and am having to be induced tomorrow.  LO never dropped, no signs of labor, nothing.  On the same note, a good friend of mine due a day after me had her baby two days before my due date- with the EXACT same status.  So... anything could happen lol
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  • I will be 40 weeks tomorrow---and I am in the exact same boat. I haven't had contractions (that I know of), I haven't lost my MP, I think I have carried low the entire pregnancy so no real telling if I've "dropped". I'm not having internals, so have no clue if I'm dialated at all.

    I had an appointment this morning, and the plan is in place. Next week I will have two NST tests, and as long as LO is okay, will let me go until 42 weeks. If he doesn't come on his own, I'll be induced on August 3rd. Though that is still 2 weeks away, at least there is an end in sight!

    That's the thing though, I think you "have a chance to go" at ANY time. Don't give up hope!

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  • the average first time baby is born at 41 weeks and 4 days. I have expressed to my doctor that I will want to wait this long. they said that's the longest they will let me go, and will require I do a couple of NSTs in that final 10 day period past my EDD to make sure the baby is looking good. If the baby is just fine, then i will wait.

    there's zero need to induce a healthy baby and mother prior to this 41 week 4 day mark. in fact, i'd prefer to be allowed to go to 42 weeks, but they just won't agree to it.

    you seem to still have a good amount of time left! maybe you can have a discussion with your doc, check out the baby, and give your body and the baby more time to start labor naturally. good luck!

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  • imagechelle_ann:

    I had an appointment this morning, and the plan is in place. Next week I will have two NST tests, and as long as LO is okay, will let me go until 42 weeks. If he doesn't come on his own, I'll be induced on August 3rd. Though that is still 2 weeks away, at least there is an end in sight!

    That's the thing though, I think you "have a chance to go" at ANY time. Don't give up hope!

    Chelle ann- we're in the same boat, althought I have had contractions, I have no progress, MW will let me go two weeks and I will be induced August 3rdish if he doesn't come. They'll set the induction date at my appt. tomorrow. Here's to us being snuggled in at home with our LO's by that date!

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  • ksulliksulli member
    I was soft, and hardly 1cm on Thursday and went into labor that Saturday (my EDD).  No real warning, just woke up with cramps.  I think I lost my plug in pieces on Friday, but chalk it up to being checked the day before.  You could still do it on your own.  
    *Married 10.10.08*
    TTC #1 9.09 - BFP#1:2.18.10= missed m/c, D&C 4.16
    BFP#2:10.22.10=Avelin born 7.2.11
    TTC#2: 2.13 - BFP#3: 7.25.13=Kelsey born 3.31.14
  • I was right where you are last time! I had NO progress at my 40 week appointent and had no contractions, baby hadn't dropped, no dilation, etc. I was certain I was going to have to be induced but I went into labor on my own at 40 weeks and 6 days. You definitely have a chance, it can, literally, happen at anytime! My first sign of labor was bloody show and that was the night before my contractions started. Nothing had gone on before that....and I mean nothing! Good luck!
  • imagecatie333:

    I had an appointment this morning, and the plan is in place. Next week I will have two NST tests, and as long as LO is okay, will let me go until 42 weeks. If he doesn't come on his own, I'll be induced on August 3rd. Though that is still 2 weeks away, at least there is an end in sight!

    That's the thing though, I think you "have a chance to go" at ANY time. Don't give up hope!

    Chelle ann- we're in the same boat, althought I have had contractions, I have no progress, MW will let me go two weeks and I will be induced August 3rdish if he doesn't come. They'll set the induction date at my appt. tomorrow. Here's to us being snuggled in at home with our LO's by that date!

    Yes As much as I want him here, I am really in no hurry. I want him to come naturally, on his own, when he is ready!!!

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  • The fact that only 4% of women are actually still pregnant beyond 42 weeks is whats keeping me sane.  It feels like it'll last forever but it really won't.. 

    I'm scheduled for a BPP and NST for 41.5 weeks just to make sure everythings looking good and if I'm still pregnant at 42 weeks I guess I'll accept an induction then.  I'm trying to remain patient until then though.. because statistically, I probably won't make it that long.  

  • Thanks ladies! It's really nice to know that it can still happen anytime! I would obviously like to go into labor on my own, but my OB will induce after a week. It wouldn't be the worst thing to be induced, but still holding out hope it will happen in the next week!
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  • this 3rd timer isn't as much of a trooper but there is no way in he!! this baby is staying in for 42 weeks! 

    and as others said, OP, you can go from nothing to labor in no time.  really.  i sent DH to work both days i had babies.  woke up, nothing.  delivered later that day.  

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