and baby is due at the end of the week...The job was supposed to last at least through my maternity leave but the company was sketchy from the get-go. Now he's all bummed and must have applied to 100's of jobs yesterday. He thinks the company will fight unemployment if he doesn't find anything ASAP. He could definitely use some good luck vibes!
On a positive note - he'll be home to help out with DD1 and DD2 until he finds something...might be longest Summer Stay-cation ever!
Re: Talk about poor timing- DH was laid off yesterday
I hope for the same! He has been looking to make a switch but applying with a Temp Agency to sample the wares was not an option while paying for daycare...Now I'll be home for the next 8 weeks so hopefully he'll find sth that he loves!
Thanks for all the well wishes!
I'm so sorry to hear that! As you said, the positive side is that you and DH will have time that many couples do not get to expereince together. I'm sure he will find a job in no time
Send him luck from all of the july bumpies!
I appreciate the offer and will definitely throw it out there for him! I know he is despairing because his resume is so "one track" and he is having a hard time getting out of the niche (Private Investigation - I posted about the misery a few weeks ago) so a second set of eyes would definitely help!
Thanks everybody else for the positive vibes! It sucks but we'll get through it...the worst thing are the start-up costs that were associated with this company - like a Digital Video Camera for $600 and a DVD Burner for $ seems like a waste now...I suppose he should have listened to his gut when he felt the company was fishy...
That is really crappy. T&P going your way so he finds a job quickly.