July 2011 Moms

Wide awake at 3am - Contractions on my mind :c)

So I started having pretty timeable painless contractions today after having my membranes stripped.  I am also having a lot of discharge.  So I called the on-call doc at 10 pm and he said "wait it out at home" until they become painful.  So here I am...I got a few hours sleep and now I am wide awake and still contracting regularly.  At what point do you say "well they are painless but consistently 5 minutes apart" and call the doc back?
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Re: Wide awake at 3am - Contractions on my mind :c)

  • They never got more frequent than 6-7 minutes apart.  Then this morning, seems things have settled down...I did lost my mucous plug (altho that is fairly meaningless) so just add it to the list of nasty things that have exited my vagina since having my membranes swept lol
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