My Wonderful Sister is my GC!!!!
3 IUIs, 2 unmedicated, 1 50mg of Clomid = All BFNs
Next step IVF!!!!
Melinda & Michael
God Bless The Broken Road
i will read the link in a minute but i wanted to add that couple girls on my other board who are working with CCRM said that they have been there as well......
The article is good, but don't even look at the comments....they are the this and you will have.a green tea, or do acupuncture it increases your chance.of pregnancy (i'd like to see that study)...from typical non if'ers... I quit reading the comments after the one that said the reason she.couldnt get.pregnant was because.she was too thin..
ttc since 10-09
first visit with RE 09-10
ME-everything ok
DH- AZOOSPERMIA...biopsy confirmed Sertoli Only Cell syndrome
Donor IUI#4 was the charm (8-27-11) with 125iuFollistim/Ovidrel/Endometrin/PIO/vit D
beta #1 9/8/11....BFP!!! : ) @ 47.7
beta...#2 9/15/11... 1,998
beta#3 9/22/2011- 27,900
Baby's hb seen @6w2d ! 1-3-2012 20 wk u/s everything lookin' good!
TTC #1 Since 11/08 - Dx: MFI & PCOS 7 IUIs = All BFNs 2011: March IVF #1.2 = e/p @ 6w: May IVF #2 = BFN: July sFET #1 = BFN
2012: Jan We're Certified FC/A Parents May IVF #3 = c/p June-Nov Foster Mommy to M (Toddler) July FET #2 = BFN Aug FET #3 = BFN Sept-Nov Foster Mommy to Baby Bella (Newborn) Nov HSG/Sono = Clear! Dec FET #4 = BFN
2013: Feb FET #5 = m/c @ 6.5w May-July Foster Mom to H (8 yr old girl) June/July/Aug IVF #4 = Freeze All July = Unofficially Adopting T (10 yr old boy) Sept FET #6 = TBD **PAIF/SAIF Welcome**
TTC with DOR, low morphology, fertilization issues
IVF#1 Oct 2009 (CCRM) - BFN
IVF#2 March 2010 - Poor response/cancelled
DE IVF#1 Aug 2010 - BFN
DE IVF#2 Dec 2010 - Transferred 1, 2 frozen - BFP!
TTC#2 FET Jan 2013 - Transferred 1 - BFP!
The article is good, but don't even look at the comments....they are the this and you will have.a green tea, or do acupuncture it increases your chance.of pregnancy (i'd like to see that study)...from typical non if'ers... I quit reading the comments after the one that said the reason she.couldnt get.pregnant was because.she was too thin..
well i do think her weight might be a problem. three years ago i had HA and it was bc of my weight and i wasnt even as thin as she is. i gained 5 lbs and i finally ovulated spontaneously after 6 months of nothing. and my bmi was still considered to be "in the normal range" for health, but not for fertility. i would be surprised if her weight is in the normal range for standard health.
I see your point. I just think it is hard to know their reason for IF, unless we had sat in the RE's office with them...people are quick to put blame on her and blame on him-when all we can really do is just speculate...
ttc since 10-09
first visit with RE 09-10
ME-everything ok
DH- AZOOSPERMIA...biopsy confirmed Sertoli Only Cell syndrome
Donor IUI#4 was the charm (8-27-11) with 125iuFollistim/Ovidrel/Endometrin/PIO/vit D
beta #1 9/8/11....BFP!!! : ) @ 47.7
beta...#2 9/15/11... 1,998
beta#3 9/22/2011- 27,900
Baby's hb seen @6w2d ! 1-3-2012 20 wk u/s everything lookin' good!
The article is good, but don't even look at the comments....they are the this and you will have.a green tea, or do acupuncture it increases your chance.of pregnancy (i'd like to see that study)...from typical non if'ers... I quit reading the comments after the one that said the reason she.couldnt get.pregnant was because.she was too thin..
well i do think her weight might be a problem. three years ago i had HA and it was bc of my weight and i wasnt even as thin as she is. i gained 5 lbs and i finally ovulated spontaneously after 6 months of nothing. and my bmi was still considered to be "in the normal range" for health, but not for fertility. i would be surprised if her weight is in the normal range for standard health.
I'm not sure their problem is that she's not ovulating. On the show, I remember she mentioned that his sperm was not so great. I agree she is too thin, but if Rachel Zoe can have a baby, she is probably not too thin to get pg.
TTK 9/06 / TTC 10/08 / Twins 12/11 / Life Blog 5 REs + 3 surgical hysteroscopies for septum/lap + 3 failed IUIs IVF w/ICSI/AH & acu = BFP!, unexplained spontaneous m/c @ 8w2d (our little girl), FET w/acu = BFP!, B/G twins!, lost MP @19w, dx w/funneling cervix @20w, twins nearly lost to IC @21w, saved by rescue cerclage, 17P & 16w of bedrest Our twins born @36w4d via CS when A came foot first
The article is good, but don't even look at the comments....they are the this and you will have.a green tea, or do acupuncture it increases your chance.of pregnancy (i'd like to see that study)...from typical non if'ers... I quit reading the comments after the one that said the reason she.couldnt get.pregnant was because.she was too thin..
The comments are terrible, but there are many studies that show that acu improves IVF success rates...
TTK 9/06 / TTC 10/08 / Twins 12/11 / Life Blog 5 REs + 3 surgical hysteroscopies for septum/lap + 3 failed IUIs IVF w/ICSI/AH & acu = BFP!, unexplained spontaneous m/c @ 8w2d (our little girl), FET w/acu = BFP!, B/G twins!, lost MP @19w, dx w/funneling cervix @20w, twins nearly lost to IC @21w, saved by rescue cerclage, 17P & 16w of bedrest Our twins born @36w4d via CS when A came foot first
The article is good, but don't even look at the comments....they are the this and you will have.a green tea, or do acupuncture it increases your chance.of pregnancy (i'd like to see that study)...from typical non if'ers... I quit reading the comments after the one that said the reason she.couldnt get.pregnant was because.she was too thin..
The comments are terrible, but there are many studies that show that acu improves IVF success rates...
The comments that drove me crazy were the ones about adopting American children. WTF? Where do they get their information? Taking a child in need is taking a child in need, whether the baby is American or Italian.
TTC since March 2009 // Me and DH - 28 Testing Summer/Fall 2010 - Unexplained IF IUIs #1-4 ~ Clomid/Ovidrel/TI/IUI ~ all BFNs IUI #5 ~ Femara/Ovidrel/TI/IUI ~ BFN IUIs #6-9 ~ Research Study Meds/Pregnyl/TI/IUI ~ all BFNs IVF Consultation, More Testing Diagnostic Cycle ~ Mucinex/Progesterone/TI ~ BFN IVF #1 ~ Menopur/Bravelle/Ganirelix/Novarel/Progesterone/Lupron 7R, 6F // 2 transferred // 3 frosties ~ BFN FET #1 ~ Estrace/PIO/Lupron 3 thawed // 2 transferred // 1 lost // no more frosties ~ BFP!! Beta #1 - 456 // Beta #2 - 1176 // Beta #3 - 2933 // Beta #4 - 6753 EDD: May 16, 2013
Threatened MC at 6w2d Bedrest for SCH // 6w2d through 10w1d Elevated TSH and Lazy Thyroid DX @ 10w - Started Synthroid Finally released from RE at 13w
Does anybody know why Dr Kaplan recommended another fresh cycle for her when they already had some frozen embryos from the first cycle?Were they. Not good quality or is she DOR or was it just not explained.I don't understand why they seem so reluctant about IVF when I think they've only had 2 cycles.
well the comment about "if rachel zoe can get pregnant" really doesnt make sense. it is different for everybody. if that were the case, then i wouldnt have developed HA and i was nowhere near as thin as Rachel Zoe. I really think the weight factor depends on the person and each person's threshold. also, you dont know if Rachel Zoe used donor eggs. she very well could have. and sometimes, with thin celebrities ive noticed, they fall off the radar and then all of a sudden reappear as pregnant. they very well could have hidden under a rock to gain weight and get pregnant.
and regarding kaplan....i would imagine that he recommended the fresh cycle bc the chances are slightly higher with a fresh cycle and they've got a ton of $$ so....why not.
...and regarding accupuncture, i am actually a believer in it, only because ive been doing it for two months and have had a lot of positives come out of it.
Re: More Bill & Giuliana news..
7 IUIs = All BFNs
2011: March IVF #1.2 = e/p @ 6w: May IVF #2 = BFN: July sFET #1 = BFN
2012: Jan We're Certified FC/A Parents
May IVF #3 = c/p
June-Nov Foster Mommy to M (Toddler)
July FET #2 = BFN
Aug FET #3 = BFN
Sept-Nov Foster Mommy to Baby Bella (Newborn)
Nov HSG/Sono = Clear!
Dec FET #4 = BFN
2013: Feb FET #5 = m/c @ 6.5w
May-July Foster Mom to H (8 yr old girl)
June/July/Aug IVF #4 = Freeze All
July = Unofficially Adopting T (10 yr old boy)
Sept FET #6 = TBD
**PAIF/SAIF Welcome**
IVF#1 Oct 2009 (CCRM) - BFN
IVF#2 March 2010 - Poor response/cancelled
DE IVF#1 Aug 2010 - BFN
DE IVF#2 Dec 2010 - Transferred 1, 2 frozen - BFP!
TTC#2 FET Jan 2013 - Transferred 1 - BFP!
well i do think her weight might be a problem. three years ago i had HA and it was bc of my weight and i wasnt even as thin as she is. i gained 5 lbs and i finally ovulated spontaneously after 6 months of nothing. and my bmi was still considered to be "in the normal range" for health, but not for fertility. i would be surprised if her weight is in the normal range for standard health.
I'm not sure their problem is that she's not ovulating. On the show, I remember she mentioned that his sperm was not so great. I agree she is too thin, but if Rachel Zoe can have a baby, she is probably not too thin to get pg.
5 REs + 3 surgical hysteroscopies for septum/lap + 3 failed IUIs
IVF w/ICSI/AH & acu = BFP!, unexplained spontaneous m/c @ 8w2d (our little girl),
FET w/acu = BFP!, B/G twins!, lost MP @19w, dx w/funneling cervix @20w,
twins nearly lost to IC @21w, saved by rescue cerclage, 17P & 16w of bedrest
Our twins born @36w4d via CS when A came foot first
Thankful for every day
The comments are terrible, but there are many studies that show that acu improves IVF success rates...
5 REs + 3 surgical hysteroscopies for septum/lap + 3 failed IUIs
IVF w/ICSI/AH & acu = BFP!, unexplained spontaneous m/c @ 8w2d (our little girl),
FET w/acu = BFP!, B/G twins!, lost MP @19w, dx w/funneling cervix @20w,
twins nearly lost to IC @21w, saved by rescue cerclage, 17P & 16w of bedrest
Our twins born @36w4d via CS when A came foot first
Thankful for every day
The comments that drove me crazy were the ones about adopting American children. WTF? Where do they get their information? Taking a child in need is taking a child in need, whether the baby is American or Italian.
TTC since March 2009 // Me and DH - 28
Testing Summer/Fall 2010 - Unexplained IF
IUIs #1-4 ~ Clomid/Ovidrel/TI/IUI ~ all BFNs
IUI #5 ~ Femara/Ovidrel/TI/IUI ~ BFN
IUIs #6-9 ~ Research Study Meds/Pregnyl/TI/IUI ~ all BFNs
IVF Consultation, More Testing
Diagnostic Cycle ~ Mucinex/Progesterone/TI ~ BFN
IVF #1 ~ Menopur/Bravelle/Ganirelix/Novarel/Progesterone/Lupron
7R, 6F // 2 transferred // 3 frosties ~ BFN
FET #1 ~ Estrace/PIO/Lupron
3 thawed // 2 transferred // 1 lost // no more frosties ~ BFP!!
Beta #1 - 456 // Beta #2 - 1176 // Beta #3 - 2933 // Beta #4 - 6753
EDD: May 16, 2013
Bedrest for SCH // 6w2d through 10w1d
Elevated TSH and Lazy Thyroid DX @ 10w - Started Synthroid
Finally released from RE at 13w
~~ My IF Blog ~~
well the comment about "if rachel zoe can get pregnant" really doesnt make sense. it is different for everybody. if that were the case, then i wouldnt have developed HA and i was nowhere near as thin as Rachel Zoe. I really think the weight factor depends on the person and each person's threshold. also, you dont know if Rachel Zoe used donor eggs. she very well could have. and sometimes, with thin celebrities ive noticed, they fall off the radar and then all of a sudden reappear as pregnant. they very well could have hidden under a rock to gain weight and get pregnant.
and regarding kaplan....i would imagine that he recommended the fresh cycle bc the chances are slightly higher with a fresh cycle and they've got a ton of $$ so....why not.