Hi girls,
Just wondering if any of you are not feeling as tired as usual toward the end of your pregnancy? At first I couldn't sleep because of the constant peeing, and aches and pains from lying on my sides, but this week I've been staying up really late just because I don't really feel all that tired. This is weird for me because I'm usually exhausted when I get less than 8 hours of sleep, but now I'm running on less than 5 hours a night and I don't feel too bad. Could this be the sudden burst of energy people talk about right before you go into labor? Here's hoping.
Re: Not tired toward the end?
I've been having these type of days on and off (i'm severly anemic so it depends) but last night DS didn't wake me at all, even though I woke up every time I needed to switch sides etc. but when I got up I felt ready to go
...I haven't heard of the burst of energy before delivery but hey I'll take all the hope I can muster up! 
The night before I went into labor I only got around 4 hours of sleep. I woke up the next morning (Lucy's birthday) and decided to clean the bathtub so I could enjoy a soak.
So yes, I had an energy burst.
I hope it's a good sign for you!
I have my moments for sure. This week has been brutal for me, despite 8+ hours of sleep each night. Might be the heat making me extra tired, who knows. I spend as much time as I can in the pool with my kiddos!