MH and I went for our NST and BPP today at the hospital. They did a growth scan while we were there as well. They measured LO at 11lb 3oz!!! I know it's always give or take 1-2lbs, but geezz! They measured him I believe twice to make sure.
They called my OB and gave him the news. He decided that he wanted to do a CS tomorrow morning, since I am overdue (even though it's only one day) and when I gave birth to DS, he was 6lb 14oz and I had to have him vacuumed out because I am very petite, so he is afraid I will not be able to deliver. When the nurse came in to tell me what was going on, I started crying. I don't want a CS, I am terrified of it and I just don't feel it's warranted. My sister was told her DD would be a 9lb baby and she was 7lb, so I feel it's unreasonable. He won't let me go til I am 41 weeks, and is supposed to call me tonight to make our plans.
My question is, if you were in my situation...would you go for the scheduled CS or just have then induce you and try laboring and a vag delivery? I have discussed this with MH and he doesn't want the CS either. What do you think?
Re: Tomorrow may be the big day..WWYD?
First, a c/s isn't the end of the world. Yes, the recovery isn't so great, but honestly I've heard way worse stories about vaginal birth recoveries than c/s ones. If it's truly necessary, I wouldn't fight it.
That said, I would try for the induction. At some point they will know if there is a problem and can make a decision then. If your dr. does recommend a c/s once you have been induced, I would trust his medical opinion.
Just my 2 cents.
Thank you. MH and I have both decided on an induction, it's just convincing my OB to do the same. He said "exclusive CS, or maybe induction", so I am hoping I won't have a full on war with him in over it. I am still waiting on the phone call to discuss time and everything.
I am so nervous about it, it's major surgery and unless it is medically needed (which I don't think it is) I am afraid I will have a panic attack on the table.
I'm a FTM, so can't speak from experience - but I agree with all this. Try the induction, and hopefully a vag delivery won't be as difficult as the dr estimates.
I completely agree. OB has called back, agreed to let me try for an induction and we are leaving here shortly to start the process.
I was also induced for a large baby. My OB kept offering a CS, and I kept saying no. The last time he offered, he said he had to protect himself, basically in case anything drastic happened during my vaginal delivery, he could say he gave me my options.
Good luck tomorrow!! You will do great and try not to think about the potential size.