Hi ladies! Sorry I have been MIA. Life is busy with a LO! My MIL is here as well so life has been crazy
Thought I would come share my birth story with you guys while I have a sec!
My little girl, Calla Elizabeth, was born at 11:04AM on Friday, July 15th. She weighed 7 lbs and 6 1/4oz, which is EXACTLY what I weighed at birth! Very weird! She's long, 21 inches!
I was 10 days over, so Thursday AM they asked me to come to the hospital for induction. The hospital was CRAZY. No triage beds, no L&D beds anything up in the ward, so I sat in the maternity waiting area with DH and 7 other couples. Around 11:30 they sent us for lunch, and we came back and were finally in a triage bed at 1PM. Then my doc got called into delivery, ugh! By 4PM my doc finally came to see me. I was just sitting there hooked up to the monitor all day, boring! I was 2cm dialted and 50% effaced, same as my last 40 week appointment. Disappointing..
The doc inserted some prostin gel and told me to come back at 10PM. We went home, ate, hung out and I started having contractions, they were coming about 4 minutes apart, lasting a minute. All in my back, cause she was OP, but not super strong yet. We got to the hospital and again so busy, they sent us to the waiting room, I was still having contractions so DH finally let them know and they got me into triage right away. I was hooked back up to the monitors and checked. 2.5 cm and 75% effaced. Contractions were about 3 1/2 minutes apart. Still able to handle them great.
Around midnight they started to get stronger, but there was still no L&D beds! They moved me to an antepartum room to labour. It was nice to have a room. My back labour was getting worse and my contractions were about 3 minutes apart, so DH called my Mom to come. She timed them while DH hit my back as HARD as he possibly could during the contractions. They kept getting worse and worse and worse. I wanted to die. I asked for some gas, didn't do a thing and they finally gave me some morphine, while didn't help with the pain but made me loopy enough to be okay in between contractions. I was checked around 3AM and was only 3cm. Kill me now.
Around 4:30AM I was able to be moved to a room where I immediately requested the epidural. I have no clue what contractions in the front would feel like, but oh my god the epidural was amazing. I was suprised I could still feel my legs and had sensation, but no pain. So awesome! I was still only 4cm though...ugh...
DH and my Mom slept a bit and I tried, I was checked around 9AM and was 6cm, okay getting better but baby is still OP, I got up on my hands and knees and leaned over the bed to try and turn her, it must have worked! By 9:30 I kept saying "I feel like I need to poop" but my nurse and was like "you were just 6, we'll check you in a bit". She finally checked me at around 10:30 and I was 10cm and ready to go! I knew it! We called in the doc.
I started pushing at 10:30AM, but her heartrate kept dropping between contractions, so doc was getting concerned, she thought the cord was around her neck. We started talking about the vaccuum or foreceps just in case. I kept pushing and we could see her head, but it just wasn't coming and we needed her out ASAP, so I consented to the vaccuum, it popped off twice, and finally I was able to push her out on my own at 11:04. When they got her out, the cord was around her neck. DH said "it's a girl!" and I didn't believe him, I swore for 9 months I was having a boy!
I needed an episiotomy and I also tore pretty badly, so I have two 3rd degree tears on the outside and one smaller tear on the inside. They wouldn't even tell me how many stitches I had. I am sooooo sore but overall doing well. Keeping up on the pain meds has been awesome!
Breastfeeding is going well, but it's very hard, ladies take all the help you can get!
I'll leave you with a pic of my little munchkin. She's perfect and I love her more and more every second!
Congrats to all ladies who have had their LO's and good luck to all who are still waiting It's amazing!
Re: Calla Elizabeth's Birth Story..Very Long!
She is beautiful!
Sorry the delivery was so rough. Take care of yourself!
Check out Memories Of Violet on Facebook and Etsy
Do you live in edmonton or calgary or just a little alberta town? Thats crazy the hospital was so busy but I guess thats Canada for you. I was told if I need to be induced &if theres anyone who needs it more urgently than me that I'll have to wait.
Congrats on your baby girl
Congratulations. She has a great head of hair!
I hope you have a quick recovery!
Wow, busy time to have a baby, I guess!
But congratulations on your little girl - love her name and she's so cute - lots of adorable hair too!!
3 more miscarriages and finally a correct diagnosis (septate uterus) and a corrective uterine surgery later, our second blessing is here!
Congrats on Baby! She's adorable and look at that head of hair!
In regards to stitches - Dermaplast is your friend! Did they give you a numbing gel at the Hospital? If yes apply that to Witch Hazel Pads and stick to the stitches...Heaven I tell ya!
Congrats momma! Beautiful little Calla! Full set of hair so cute.