Seriously. I especially hate it when really old people do it because it's like they think their kids never acted like that!! It's just been too long for them to remember ) I always try to give an empathic look to a mom that is having a tough moment- we've all been there...
I am afraid that I probably did that before I had kids. I had NO idea and I will be paid back for it in spades, I'm just sure. I understand when I get looks from people who obviously don't have experience with kids. What I don't get is looks from people who obviously have had kids and have no sympathy. That's just ridiculous.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10) "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
I did that before having kids, but now I don't even really hear the screaming because I'm used to it. I feel bad for the parents now, but before having DS I chalked it up to being a poor disciplinarian or having a brat. Boy was I wrong.
Seriously. I especially hate it when really old people do it because it's like they think their kids never acted like that!! It's just been too long for them to remember ) I always try to give an empathic look to a mom that is having a tough moment- we've all been there...
One day, I saw a mom that was struggling with her dc, and I couldn't help but feel her I watched her try to get him in the car while he screamed and yelled, being 8mos pg to boot, I had to say something...she was doing all she could do to hold herself together... I walked over (I was parked in front of her and my kids were already in the car) and I said "Excuse me, but I just wanted to tell you that I know what you are going through, and you are doing a great job" she started to tear up (who wouldn't) and I offered her a hug if she needed one, she said she did... Afterwards I felt like I had totally made her day...or at least made her feel better about the crappy situation.
I think I'll do things like that more often...I sometimes feel like a sympathetic look doesn't get noticed as much (I too do that a lot)
1 hour ago my daughter had the ultimate meltdown in Kohls...I was so embarassed and yes, people were giving me that look. ?I was considering offering to give her away! ?:}
Re: Why do people give nasty looks...
because your kid is RUINING their LIFE. And YOU need to be aware...
its obnoxious. I can't help but hand out my sympatheitc look when I see someone elses kid freaking out- I know it'll be mine next!
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
One day, I saw a mom that was struggling with her dc, and I couldn't help but feel her I watched her try to get him in the car while he screamed and yelled, being 8mos pg to boot, I had to say something...she was doing all she could do to hold herself together... I walked over (I was parked in front of her and my kids were already in the car) and I said "Excuse me, but I just wanted to tell you that I know what you are going through, and you are doing a great job" she started to tear up (who wouldn't) and I offered her a hug if she needed one, she said she did... Afterwards I felt like I had totally made her day...or at least made her feel better about the crappy situation.
I think I'll do things like that more often...I sometimes feel like a sympathetic look doesn't get noticed as much (I too do that a lot)