In keeping with the theme of not letting the board die: what is the best or most flattering compliment you've received while pregnant. There's always talk about the rudest comments but I know lots of you ladies are told how great you look all the time (because you do!).
Mine would be a tie between: you make pregnancy look so easy and I wish I looked like you when I was pregnant.
Re: Best Compliment
DD1, Kathleen 9/15/2007
great one! everyone loves a feel good post!
I've liked these:
You are the happiest and most positive pregnant woman I have ever seen! (the Director of my department said that, I guess I come to work with a positive attitude and big smile everyday- then I roll around on the couch and whine and complain to DH when I get home
You look amazing, I wish I looked like you when I was pregnant!
and my favorite- You are going to be such a great mom! as a FTm, that one makes me feel so good inside
Guy at Work: How many days left?
Me: 12
G@W: You are a champion!!
I love it when people tell me that Im all belly- even though that isnt true - that Ive gained close to 50lbs already and that I can no longer walk without my thighs rubbing against one another! hahaha! Still makes me feel good though
The nurse at L&D on Saturday asked me if I felt puffy...
I said, well my face does but that is because i am just getting big. She goes, big, you don't look big at all, you must not have gained barely any weight....
So nice of her...42lbs later here I am!
What a nice idea for a thread!
My due date is tomorrow, and I worked up until Saturday of last week. All this past week, I had clients just NOW realize I was pregnant! They'd ask when I was due, and I'd say, "Tuesday," and they'd get all shocked that it was so soon, and that I was still doing so fine working.
I think a huge part of it is the good fortune that my baby's been sitting up so high, so I could move around easier!
My other favorite thing was from our baby shower about a month ago. Up until last week or so, I had absolutely ZERO swelling in my hands & feet, so I was so happy I could wear my wedding shoes (really cute teal heels) to the shower. I got so many shocked compliments on the fact that I could walk around in them! hahaha
I love this thread :c) Definitely the biggest compliment is that I don't seem "due". I think because I am still working full time, and manage to have a cheery disposition. I am trying my best to keep a smile on my face, and love every minute of my pregnancy til LO arrives. Oh and I'll never get tired of "you don't look that far along" ;c)