Pregnancy Survey:
How Far Along:
Total Weight Gain/Loss:
Girl/Boy/Team Green, Name?
What are you looking forward to this week?
What are you doing to keep yourself busy while waiting for LO?
Any signs that labor is near?
Any last-minute things that still need to be finished up?
And for those with outside babies.......
Baby Survey:
How old is your baby?
Baby's name:
Baby's stats (at birth & now):
Which baby item are you using the most?
How is your body recovering?
Recent milestone:
What are your baby's sleeping patterns?
What are you looking forward to this week?
Re: Monday Progress & Baby Survey
Pregnancy Survey:
How Far Along: 38.5
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 40+
Complaints:soo large, unable to get comfortable- ever!
Girl/Boy/Team Green, Name? Girl
Stretchmarks? all from DS but re-stretched..
What are you looking forward to this week? hopefully having a baby? probably not though
What are you doing to keep yourself busy while waiting for LO? working, taking care of DS
Any signs that labor is near? none
Any last-minute things that still need to be finished up? nope, waiting on baby!!
Pregnancy Survey:
How Far Along: 40 weeks (due date was changed to today...)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: true weight gain- around 30. I fluctuate a good 5-7 lbs. more from day to day with all the fluid retention.
Complaints: I could go straight negative nancy on this but I'll just say- I'm thankful to feel pretty good.
Girl/Boy/Team Green, Name? Boy- Wyatt Nelson
Stretchmarks? one hefty bad boy going right through the tattoo on my hip/pelvic area and then a few skinny ones sprouting next to my belly button. Oh and speaking of belly button, my former piercing is one nasty purple stretch mark that hurts and I swear the skin is going to rip. I rub Vit. E oil on it all day
What are you looking forward to this week? hopefully meeting my baby boy
What are you doing to keep yourself busy while waiting for LO? working half days, bumping, cooking, eating, and forcing DH to watch episode after episode of Lost on netflix. Oh and reading breastfeeding and baby books ALOT
Any signs that labor is near? I think so but then nothing happens.
Any last-minute things that still need to be finished up? hang the towel rack in LO's nursery bathroom. I don't want him to come home and be disappointed that he has no where to hang his towels....
How Far Along:
40 weeks, 4 days
Total Weight Gain/Loss:
Still pregnant. Physically, I feel OK. I am just so anxious and emotional and ready to meet this little guy!
Girl/Boy/Team Green, Name?
Boy, Finnegan
No more in the last few weeks.
What are you looking forward to this week?
Hopefully having a baby! I have a midwife appt. this afternoon, so that's keeping me excited for now.
What are you doing to keep yourself busy while waiting for LO?
I am working from home -- which doesn't keep me very busy.
Any signs that labor is near?
I am having a lot of contractions, but they are rarely painful and never consistent. At my appt. last Thursday I had my first internal -- very low baby, very soft and thin cervix, one fingertip dilated. I am sure they will check me again today.
Any last-minute things that still need to be finished up?
Nope. We're 100% as ready (as we can be)!!
Pregnancy Survey:
How Far Along: 40w 3d
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 27lbs
Complaints: Hip pain!
Girl/Boy/Team Green, Name? Boy, Jayden Matthew
Stretchmarks? Sides, Belly, Thighs
What are you looking forward to this week? Going in for induction TONIGHT!
What are you doing to keep yourself busy while waiting for LO? Last minute cleaning/packing
Any signs that labor is near? Not really.
Any last-minute things that still need to be finished up? Light cleaning and packing.
How Far Along: 39W 3D
Total Weight Gain/Loss: +24lbs
Complaints: Nothing the rest of us aren't wallowing in!
Girl/Boy/Team Green, Name? GREEN! Still no boy name picked out, think we may have a front runner girl's name.
Stretchmarks? Fortunately no
What are you looking forward to this week? Hopefully having a baby!!!
What are you doing to keep yourself busy while waiting for LO? Still working FT at the office. Although that's getting old and I may start doing more hours at home. I'm getting worried about my water breaking at work!
Any signs that labor is near? Nothing timeable or painful, so I'll say no. I did lose a little more MP this morning.
Any last-minute things that still need to be finished up? Return a duplicate shower gift that just arrived, and maybe use the credit to buy a PnP. Otherwise, keep reading up on BF and baby books!
Pregnancy Survey:
How Far Along: 39 weeks today.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 27lbs
Complaints: lower back pain, HEARTBURN is out of control today
Girl/Boy/Team Green, Name? Girl, Giuliana Grace ("GG")
Stretchmarks? Red ones on my hips and a couple straglers that appeared near my belly button
What are you looking forward to this week? The possibility of labor!!
What are you doing to keep yourself busy while waiting for LO? Cleaning the house over and over again, watching TV, resting
Any signs that labor is near? who knows - was having contractions and cramps over the weekend but it all stopped.
Any last-minute things that still need to be finished up? Nope, I've been ready for weeks!
Pregnancy Survey:
How Far Along: 39 weeks 5 days
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Somewhere around 35 lbs give or take some major swelling
Complaints: numbness in my fingertips, carpal tunnel in my hands, swelling in my feet. other than that, I really feel good. Still sleeping through the night comfortably!
Girl/Boy/Team Green, Name? Boy! Name is a secret
Stretchmarks? None on my belly
What are you looking forward to this week? my "last" midwife appt on Tuesday morning, my DH's 30th birthday on Wednesday, hopefully LO will decide to be born!
What are you doing to keep yourself busy while waiting for LO? I've "nested" the hell out of this place. I'm really grasping for things---this weekend I spent 5 hours sewing a stupid pacifier pod and pacifier clips. Anything to keep my mind busy. DH and I went to a couple movies. I've prepped all our cloth diapers. I finally cleaned our bedroom.
Any signs that labor is near? No. I'm not even sure I know what a contraction or BH feels like. I'm not getting internals--so I have no clue if I'm even making any progress.
Any last-minute things that still need to be finished up? I still don't have my hospital bag entirely packed. The car seat isn't installed--and DH is not really interested in sitting out in the extreme heat to do so. I need to go to the dentist to get a chipped filling fixed because I know I won't have time once LO is here.
Pregnancy Survey:
How Far Along: 38 wks 1 day
Total Weight Gain/Loss: +25lbs
Complaints: Hips, pelvis, bleh.
Girl/Boy/Team Green, Name? Boy, James
Stretchmarks? None yet.....I'm waiting to wake up to a belly full.
What are you looking forward to this week? My birthday is Friday! Me and H took the day off work and it should be a fun day relaxing.
What are you doing to keep yourself busy while waiting for LO? Still working full time along with my crazy dog and general errands/etc. I haven't been going too stir crazy yet.
Any signs that labor is near? Nope.
Any last-minute things that still need to be finished up? A few odds and ends that I need to buy but that's about it. We are ready....hahaha well, as ready as first-time parents can be.
Pregnancy Survey:
How Far Along: 38 Weeks 6 Days
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 35 lbs.... Eeek
Complaints: Swollen feet.. they're the worst!
Girl/Boy/Team Green, Name? Boy! Miles Wellington
Stretchmarks? Yes, around my belly button. On a happy note though, my tattoo on my lower stomach is untouched and unstretched
What are you looking forward to this week? Being induced Tuesday night/Wednesday morning! It's coming up quickly!
What are you doing to keep yourself busy while waiting for LO? Working, bumping, cleaning, spoiling my furbaby before he is no longer the "baby"
Any signs that labor is near? Other than a ton of BH, no.
Any last-minute things that still need to be finished up? Still need to get snacks rounded up for hubby to eat during labor. Other than that, we"re set!
Pregnancy Survey:
How Far Along: 37 weeks 4 days
Total Weight Gain/Loss: about 40 lbs.
Complaints: The swelling of my feet and hands.
Girl/Boy/Team Green, Name? Team pink, Kaelyn Violet
Stretchmarks? Thank goodness no new ones.
What are you looking forward to this week? This is my last week of work before Maternity leave.
What are you doing to keep yourself busy while waiting for LO? Working until this week. I guess I will be cleaning and just trying to stay cool.
Any signs that labor is near? Nope
Any last-minute things that still need to be finished up? Not really. I just hope this 11 days goes by fast.
Check out Memories Of Violet on Facebook and Etsy
Pregnancy Survey:
How Far Along: 39 weeks tomorrow!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 35 pounds, I tell myself it is okay since it is literally all belly.
Complaints: I miss sleeping, otherwise I think I haven't had it that bad.
Girl/Boy/Team Green, Name? Boy, Theodore (Theo).
Stretchmarks? None. Still betting a million will show up the day I give birth or something...
What are you looking forward to this week? Maybe having a baby? More likely seeing a dear out of town friend this weekend.
What are you doing to keep yourself busy while waiting for LO? Trying to finish up everything at work so my backup won't hate me!
Any signs that labor is near? Nope, just a lot of practice contractions, especially at night.
Any last-minute things that still need to be finished up? Nothing big really... my DH still needs to get his Tdap.
How old is your baby? 1 month 3 days
Baby's name: Chloe Grace
Baby's stats (at birth & now): 6.9 lbs 19 inches, her check up is today
Which baby item are you using the most? Snuggabunny Swing and Boppy
How is your body recovering? My body has really bounced back. Still needs some toning but I am pretty pleased overall
Recent milestone: She just grew out of newborn diapers
What are your baby's sleeping patterns? She sleeps in 3-4 hour stretches for the most part now.
What are you looking forward to this week? Her check-up today so I can ask the doc some questions and find out how much she has grown
Baby Survey:
How old is your baby? tomorrow will be 2 weeks
Baby's name: Anna Kay
Baby's stats (at birth & now): 8lb. 2oz. and 22 inches. Not sure now- 2 week appt. tomorrow
Which baby item are you using the most? swaddle and bouncy chair
How is your body recovering? pretty well- i'm amazed at how much weight has melted off
Recent milestone: None I can think of
What are your baby's sleeping patterns? Ugh- she gives us a 4 hour stretch at night. Other than that I'm not totally sure because I have to often wake her up to feed her (she had bad jaundice causing her to lose weight- we're playing catch up)
What are you looking forward to this week? Her doctor appt tomorrow- I'm hoping she's gained enough to where we can back off on the feeding. It's making me lose my mind
Baby Survey:
How old is your baby? 18 days
Baby's name: Maggie Jane
Baby's stats (at birth & now): 8 lbs 13 oz, 21.5 in @ birth
Which baby item are you using the most? breastfriend
How is your body recovering? doing well!
Recent milestone: cord fell iff this weekend! we have a belly button finally!
What are your baby's sleeping patterns? 3-4hours for the most part
What are you looking forward to this week? just more time with LO...going to pick out newborn photos and ordering announcements
How old is your baby?2 1/2 weeks
Baby's name:Jessica
Baby's stats (at birth & now): 8lb10oz/21in at birth. 9lb/21in at 1 1/2w check up
Which baby item are you using the most?Nuk pacis are the current favorite. She naps in her PnP or swing. At night it's her crib and the rock & play. Bouncy seat comes in the bathroom with me so her sister doesn't try to pick her up. My washer & dryer are also getting a workout
How is your body recovering?pretty good. Still bleeding, but I'm losing some baby weight even w/o nursing (not starting a "diet" until 6w check up). My back hurts a lot lately though, bending over for diapers etc.
Recent milestone:She surpassed birth weight. And is alert more often.
What are your baby's sleeping patterns?when the mood strikes
What are you looking forward to this week?MH coming home early Saturday morning. He left last night. My first week solo with both girls. Coffee is my copilot.
DD1, Kathleen 9/15/2007
Total Weight Gain/Loss: a lot, like 40 lbs
Complaints: hot, uncomfortable to sleep and ready for LO to arrive already!
Girl/Boy/Team Green, Name? Boy, Avi Elliot
Stretchmarks? yep, on my sides
What are you looking forward to this week? I would like to hope for labor and a baby! If not, I look forward to sitting around more, going out with friends and trying my best to get through this wait.
What are you doing to keep yourself busy while waiting for LO? Trying to walk but now it's so hot out that i can't bear to be out there. Going out with friends, enjoying time with my husband. I'd like to clean but again, so hot.
Any signs that labor is near? Lost my MP, baby has def dropped - I hardly recognize my belly anymore when sitting! Not a lot of contractions though....oh, and last appt cervix was softening and I was about 2-3 cent dilated.
Any last-minute things that still need to be finished up? Nope, I've been ready for weeks!
Pregnancy Survey:
How Far Along: 39 TODAY!!!!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 40 + (especially right here at the end)
Complaints: I feel like I have carpel tunnel and I wake up with claw hands
Girl/Boy/Team Green, Name? Girl, Mckinley Grace
Stretchmarks? None so far and I hope I won't get any at 39 weeks
What are you looking forward to this week? Hopefully having a baby! If not I atleast hope when my Dr. checks me Wed. I have hopefully made more progress.
What are you doing to keep yourself busy while waiting for LO? I am a teacher and on summer break and I am bored out of my mind because everyone else is working. I am going to nest and clean the heck out of my fridge
Any signs that labor is near? hip pain, contractions last nighet
Any last-minute things that still need to be finished up? Nope just waiting on a delivery of last minute things from my Target registry since they never sent me my registry completion coupon and I had to call adn be kind of ugly to get a code over the phone, but if you don't do what you say you are supposed to do then suffer the wrath of a very tiny very pregnant mama!
Pregnancy Survey:
How Far Along: 39w1d
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 25
Complaints: stretchmarks
Girl/Boy/Team Green, Name? Hailey Reese
Stretchmarks? yep
What are you looking forward to this week? Dr. Appt tomorrow, hopefully some progression news.
What are you doing to keep yourself busy while waiting for LO? still working full timie and trying to keep up on house work.
Any signs that labor is near? cramping here and there, she dropped a lot, thats about it
Any last-minute things that still need to be finished up? not really, just would like to get more cleaning done in the house.
How Far Along: 38w 5 days
Total Weight Gain/Loss: up 8
Complaints: indigestion to the point of throwing up daily
Girl/Boy/Team Green, Name? Boy, "Turner David"
Stretchmarks? along my sides and now a beautiful patch to the right of my belly button
What are you looking forward to this week? my mom is coming with DH and I to my 39 week check up and nst!
What are you doing to keep yourself busy while waiting for LO? being lazy and watching movies with DH while he's off for the summer
Any signs that labor is near? not really
Any last-minute things that still need to be finished up? the baby's quilt! ahhh i still have to finish it, but it's not for him to use really, just to hang in the nursery so it'll get done when it gets done
Pregnancy Survey:
How Far Along: 38 weeks 6 days
Total Weight Gain/Loss: +35 lbs
Complaints: Heartburn. It returned last week with a vengeance.
Girl/Boy/Team Green, Name? Boy, Caleb Something....maybe Andrew or Austin...haven't decided on a middle name.
Stretchmarks? Nope.
What are you looking forward to this week? Maybe baby?
What are you doing to keep yourself busy while waiting for LO? working, working, working. I don't have to go in anymore but I go in almost daily because being at home is driving me batty.
Any signs that labor is near? None. I felt a little crampy last night...but....nothing.
Any last-minute things that still need to be finished up? Still need some essentials. No glider yet! Eeeeek!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: +40 lbs
Complaints: Back pain
Girl/Boy/Team Green, Name? Girl, name's a secret
Stretchmarks? No...knock on wood. My old belly button ring hole looks seriously distressed though.What are you looking forward to this week? #1 - having a baby. If that doesn't pan out...that my last official day of work is Friday.
What are you doing to keep yourself busy while waiting for LO? Working, DIY beauty treatments, watching movies, bumping.Any signs that labor is near? I've been crampy and contracting for days, nothing consistent though.
And for those with outside babies.......
Baby Survey:
How old is your baby? 1 week 3 days
Baby's name: Alexander John David
Baby's stats (at birth & now): 9 lbs 1 oz 21 1/2 inches birth
Which baby item are you using the most? Boppy, soother (he wont sleep in bassinet),
How is your body recovering? Better than first c-section, walking first day, off pain killers, still hurts to poop, and some latching issues
Recent milestone:
What are your baby's sleeping patterns? All the time, except at night when he wont sleep unless being held, have to wake up to feed
What are you looking forward to this week? going on walks need a double stroller first
How Far Along:38w 5d
Total Weight Gain/Loss: -26, but I've been extremely sick throughout the pregnancy with a multitude of things, baby is just fine
Complaints: Fewer now then at any other point. Some rough groin pain off and on though.
Girl/Boy/Team Green, Name? It's a girl, but the name's a surprise
Stretchmarks? Only a couple in the last few weeks
What are you looking forward to this week? I'm thinking that she'll arrive this week, but who knows!
What are you doing to keep yourself busy while waiting for LO? I've got DS to keep me busy, lol
Any signs that labor is near? I lost the mucous plug this weekend, but that's it.
Any last-minute things that still need to be finished up? Lord I hope not! I busted my ass last week finishing up the kids bathroom and I *think* that was the last big thing on my list.
And for those with outside babies.......
Baby Survey:
How old is your baby? 3 weeks tomorrow
Baby's name: Lydia Reese
Baby's stats (at birth & now): At birth, 6 lbs, 5 oz, 19 in. She had regained to that at her 10 week check-up, but don't know beyond that. She's getting chubby (which I love) so she seems to be gaining well.
Which baby item are you using the most? Boppy, Snug a bunny swing, Rock n Play Sleeper
How is your body recovering? Pretty well. Had a 3rd degree tear that hurt, but is better now. I'm amazed how quick the weight is coming off, but I haven't weighed myself so don't really know how much I've lost.
Recent milestone: She's been smiling more...maybe it's gas, but I choose to think she's really smiling at us.
What are your baby's sleeping patterns? Sleeps a lot, but likes to stay awake from the midnight to 3 am range. Some nights, she wakes me up every 1.5 to 2 hours, other nights it's anywhere from every 2 to 4 hours. She's been wanting to nurse A LOT recently.
What are you looking forward to this week? Just spending the week with her. I'm alone this week (parents were here last week), so it'll be interesting.
And for those with outside babies.......
Baby Survey:
How old is your baby? 2 weeks 6 days
Baby's name: Catherine & Emily
Baby's stats (at birth & now): birth: 5lbs3oz and 5lbs - last week they were 5lbs 5 and 5lbs3, we have another pedi appt. tomorrow.
Which baby item are you using the most? swaddle me, RNP
How is your body recovering? pretty good! I've lost 30 lbs out of 50!
Recent milestone: they BOTH slept 3.5 hours during one stretch!
What are your baby's sleeping patterns? Usually they wake up to eat every 3-3.5 hrs.
What are you looking forward to this week? Pedi appt!
After 2 years, Injects, PCOS diagnosis and 2 IUI's, we were blessed with our beautiful twin girls!
Baby Girl #3!
Pregnancy Survey:
How Far Along: 40 weeks and 1 day
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 27 pounds
Complaints: Still none. Maybe that she's still in there and hasn't decided to come join us yet?
Girl/Boy/Team Green, Name? Girl, Kaylee Elizabeth
Stretchmarks? I now have 2 that popped up on my due date. Bah!
What are you looking forward to this week? Meeting my baby! Induction will happen sometime this week, probably Wed.
What are you doing to keep yourself busy while waiting for LO? Little crafty projects. I recently bought one of those felt diy stockings and it's awesome. Also making afghans out of my yarn scraps in an effort to keep busy plus clean up some of my yarn clutter.
Any signs that labor is near? Not really. She's been 0 station and 80% effaced since at least 38 weeks. I think I lost my mucus plug, or part of it, yesterday but that could mean anything. I've been having period cramps/BH since week 38 as well. I guess you could say that my induction is a sign labor is near though!
Any last-minute things that still need to be finished up? Just general tidying up
House / Baby blog
Baby Survey:
How old is your baby? 13 days old
Baby's name: Carter Matthew
Baby's stats (at birth & now): 6lbs 2oz. At his one week check-up he was 6lbs 1oz
Which baby item are you using the most? our RnP - awesome!
How is your body recovering? Eh. I had a nasty tear and it seems to be doing okay - I still reach for the percocet sometimes. I've lost quite a bit of weight though.
Recent milestone: I've learned how to nap. This is a huge for me considering how much I get up at night.
What are your baby's sleeping patterns? He sleeps anywhere from 2-4 stretches at night, and gets up 2-3 times.
What are you looking forward to this week? This is my first week home alone with DS and I'm excited and nervous.
And for those with outside babies.......
Baby Survey:
How old is your baby? 3 days
Baby's name: Eleanor Rose
Baby's stats (at birth & now): Birth: 7 lbs 14 oz, now 7 lbs 5 oz
Which baby item are you using the most? boppy
How is your body recovering? really bad swelling in my legs and feet due to many many IVs during labor because of dehydration, sore from stitches, and just tired in general.
Recent milestone: nursing both breasts without having to tease with a drop of formula
What are your baby's sleeping patterns? she goes down between feedings for 1-2 hours, we can sometimes get over an hour of awake time between feedings.
What are you looking forward to this week? milk coming in
Baby Survey:
How old is your baby? She is 6 days old
Baby's name: Adele Lorraine
Baby's stats (at birth & now): 9lbs 3oz at birth, 8lbs 15oz now.
Which baby item are you using the most? My breast pump and diapers. haha
How is your body recovering? Pretty well. I'm feeling better every day and my stomach is going down each day, too.
Recent milestone: Adele's first doctor's appointment was this morning. She is doing awesome and doesn't even need to go back for a weight check! We had some feeding/dehydration issues over the weekend, so this really makes me happy.
What are your baby's sleeping patterns? She'll sleep through the night if we let her (about 5 hours in a row), so that's good. The ped said she could do that, so we'll see how that goes. She naps a lot during the day still, but definitely has a lot of wakeful periods that I love!
What are you looking forward to this week: Adele's one week birthday on Wednesday! I'm also loving all the time the Mr. and I are spending with her as a family.
What is one piece of advice you have for those still waiting? It is hard toward the end, especially if you go overdue. However, you can do it! As soon as you have that baby in your arms, nothing else matters. Time will go by more quickly than you realize.
Pregnancy Survey:
How Far Along: 40wk 2d
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 26 lb
Complaints: That I didn't go into labor naturally and will be induced.
Girl/Boy/Team Green, Name? Girl. The name is still undecided
Stretchmarks? Showed up around 37-38 weeks
What are you looking forward to this week? Meeting my baby girl
What are you doing to keep yourself busy while waiting for LO? I'm running out of time... so I'm good in the busy dept.
Any signs that labor is near? A 6pm scheduled induction...
Any last-minute things that still need to be finished up? The car seat still isn't in the car.
How Far Along: 40 weeks 3 days.. or 41.5 weeks by LMP
Total Weight Gain/Loss: It was 40.. now that i'm overdue it just keeps creeping up
Complaints: I just want to be left alone in my misery. haha
Girl/Boy/Team Green, Name? Blue
Stretchmarks? Yep.. Only on my sides and tummy though. I escaped the boob and thigh stretchmarks.
What are you looking forward to this week? Having a baby.
What are you doing to keep yourself busy while waiting for LO? Moping
Any signs that labor is near? NO
Any last-minute things that still need to be finished up? No.. I'm all done. Anytime now plz.
Baby Survey:
How old is your baby? Three weeks old.
Baby's name: Ezra John.
Baby's stats (at birth & now): At birth 8lbs2oz, 21 inches. At home 9lbs.
Which baby item are you using the most? My boppy and woombies.
How is your body recovering? Fantastic.
Recent milestone: Nothing really notable. He's a great sleeper.
What are your baby's sleeping patterns? At night regularly 3-4 hour stretches, during the day 1-3 hours.
What are you looking forward to this week? Unfortunately not much, it's freaking hot!
How old is your baby? Three weeks tomorrow. I cannot believe it.
Baby's name: Lucy
Baby's stats (at birth & now): 7 lbs, 3 oz, 19 in at birth. 7 even and 20 in long at 2 week check up. She's starting to get rolls so I'm excited to see her weight at the next appointment.
Which baby item are you using the most? Boppy, RNP sleeper, A&A swaddling blankets, Nuk pacifiers, White Noise app on the Iphone.
How is your body recovering? It's been great. The bleeding is nearly gone and I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight by the 2 week checkup (don't hate me yet, I'm still 40 lbs overweight). My breasts took a beating after bad latches and a bout of mastitis but I'm happy to report that they've healed nicely and BFing is no longer torture.
Recent milestone: Nothing I can think of.
What are your baby's sleeping patterns? She naps pretty well during the day and has 4 hour stretches of sleep at night, which we love.
What are you looking forward to this week? Evening walks with Lucy and DH. My mood is so much better if I get out of the house at least once a day.