What would you say is the stupidest thing you've heard through your pregnancy?
I'd have to say mine came last night from a friend who texted me and asked if I had LO yet (which I ignored because I'm ignoring everybody who asks me this question, I'm stressed enough). When I didn't respond, she texted again saying, "Oh, she's going to be a genius because she's stayed in!" Really?! What correlation does full term pregnancy and intellect have? Ugh!
So anyway, what's yours?
Re: The Stupidest Things You Hear...
goos post-
My sister wrote this on FB yesterday-
"where's my nephew? you gonna get that baby out already or what?!"
I responded with something like "ugh- you have no idea, I'm so ready!"
She responds 2 minutes later, " Well, what's the news?"
WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHAT'S THE NEWS! WTF? Should something have changed in the past 2 minutes? Do you think I suddenly have baby news!? I wanted to internet smack her!
Funny thing is- if she would have said that a few weeks ago i would have been like, no news, just waiting, but now I am DONE with being asked if I am STILL pregnant.
And mom, dad, MIL, FIL, SIL, Grandma- Please do not keep calling me asking if we have any news on the baby. Do you really think that we are not going to call you when something happens!
I just had a friend on facebook post saying "You haven't had that kid yet? What are you waiting for?"
Uhm, labor, perhaps?
Okay, this made me laugh out loud.
I haven't had too many dumb comments yet, but I'm still only 38 weeks + so there is time for them to start coming.
ASSHOLES! I never realized how crappy it is to hear stuff like that until I got to this point. I will NEVER say anything like that to a pregnant woman for as long as I live!
Stupidity is a common thing I guess! LOL
Mine happened at a farmers market a couple weekends ago, when a lady asked when I was due... and then when she heard July 25th she loudly announced "you need to get out of this heat, you are gonna cook that baby!"
Seriously hilarious!
Mine was when I first found out I was pregnant, we have a cute but dumber than a brick girl at work.
girl: Oh you are pregnant! If you have any questions let me know!! I am an expert with pregnancy!
me: do you have kids?
girl (confused look): no... My best friend had a baby like a year ago, I went through everything with her.
me: yeah... ok
HAHA!! now that's hilarious!
I would have said- Yes, you ARE an expert. Can you tell me if this is my mucus plug?
i have something pretty stupid for you guys...
My SO seems to think that just because I am full term, we can just go to the hospital and induce labor if we wanted to. I've been in a lot of pain lately and complaining. When I do, he says something to the effect of, "Just let me know when you're ready, we can go to the hospital right now and have her if you want." When I tell him that induction is not an option until sometime after 40 weeks, he argues me down...
Our receptionist, whom I've seen every Monday through Friday since becoming pregnant (and who annoys the crap out of me at the best of times), said to me on Friday "I'm going to be really surprised when I don't see you"
Really? Why would it surprise you that I had my baby and was gone on maternity leave? I felt like saying "Oh yeah? I'm going to be really happy when I don't see you" But I restrained myself
DD1, Kathleen 9/15/2007
DH has been AMAZING throughout this entire pregnany, but now is giving me a bit of an attitude about not having baby by my due date and going late because I refuse to be induced until 41 weeks or unless there is a medical reason. He just got moved from counselour to supervisor and his previous supervisor needs to train him (there are plenty of people who could do it, but his job basically will leave him high and dry), but if I go late she will move before he returns so he keeps getting huffy about it and I know him very well and when he complains about work and how he will have to go back a few days early from his leave (he is amazing and saved all of his sick and vacation days to stay home 4 weeks), but I am sorry I am not compromising my body or my baby just because he hates his job.
Suck it up and quit complaining. He makes it harder on hiself and doesn't have any boundries when it comes to saying no to clients when they want to meet for a session at chick fila at 8pm. He likes to play the martyr when it comes to that. Sorry though I am not having an unnecessary medical procedure just because of that. Ok so that should have been my FFFC, but that is seriously the craziest thing I keep hearing.
DH and I were grocery shopping around 35 weeks and a highschool-aged stock boy asked me if I was trying to steal a watermelon. I think he thought he was being funny. DH and I just sort of stared at him blankly, not amused....and then he started backpedaling trying to say that he says that to all the pregnant ladies. I guess it didn't elicit the response from us he was hoping for....he seemed pretty embarassed. Then to make it worse, he started talking about this lady that actually was stealing food and hiding it "in her belly"...and that was just sad. An all-around awkward exchange.