Cloth Diapering

Diaper Rash: Prefolds vs Pockets

Hey Everyone,

I'm still working on building my stash for LO's arrival this fall. So far it's all pockets, BG's, FB's, Babykicks and some Thirsties Duos in size 1. I've been debating getting prefolds and Thirsties covers as an economical small size option, but I'm concerned because my friend who exclusively used prefolds at the beginning quit CDing when the baby kept getting diaper rash. I feel like the wicking properties of a pocket or a sposie have to be better than the baby sitting in wetness. What do you think? Do you just change a PF more often? Is there anyone here whose stash is all pockets? 

April 2010 Siggy Challenge: Favorite Romantic Pic
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Re: Diaper Rash: Prefolds vs Pockets

  • I know people who only use pockets, aio's, or ai2's, because they feel prefolds are more complicated. I bought many bumgenius aio's in XS and Small because I I really like the ease and disposable likeness. I also bought some prefolds and thristies covers to try out. Now I personally love my prefolds and covers more then the aio because I get a better fit and have never had a leak. And yes I do change her every 2 hours and at night if we go longer then 2 hours I put a fleece liner in (bought fleece at the fabric store and cut it up) so she has a stay dry feeling.


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We're using a service right now, so we're just using prefolds and covers. I actually really like it! We do change her diaper very frequently, though, at least with every feeding (2-4 hours) and (if she's awake) every hour. That may be excessive, but I feel better knowing she's not sitting in pee! We get 100 a week from the service and have a few of our own in case we need backups.

    As far as diaper rash, we've been using Grandma El's and it got rid of the little rash she had. We also like to let her air out with each change.

    We're still relatively new to the whole thing, but it's been working well for us! 

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  • I hadn't thought of just putting in my own fleece liners. Thanks for the tip! 
    April 2010 Siggy Challenge: Favorite Romantic Pic
    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • To provide the counterpoint, I have a friend who uses only prefolds because her baby kept getting a rash in pockets. Some babies are sensitive to the wetness/non stay dry feel of natural fibers (like prefolds and most fitteds), some babies are sensitive to synthetic fibers (like most pockets and AIOs), and most babies are fine with either.

    I haven't noticed any difference in rashy-ness when DS is in prefolds or fitteds vs. pockets.

    Mommy to DD1 (June 2007), DS (January 2010), DD2 (July 2012), and The Next One (EDD 3/31/2015)

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