I know I tell you every day that you are welcome to make your appearance, but now you need to hold off at least for today.
My MIL and SFIL are coming to town to visit us. I actually don't want to start labor when they are here because when it is time to go to the hospital I want to wait until right before pushing before we call all our families and let them know. Since our families live 3-4 hours away, that should give us plenty of time to have the baby and then spend time (a couple hours hopefully) with LO before they arrive (yes, sneaky plan I know! I have put a lot of thought into it).
However, if I end up having to go to the hopsital while MIL and SFIL are already up here, I will feel like we will have to call the rest of our families right away (or they will) and then everyone will be in the waiting room waiting for me to give birth, then want to come in right away, which is not what I want.
So LO, at least hold off until tonight, then you are welcome to come whenever you want, but hopefully soon (actually going into labor tonight would be awesome, especially because a 7/17/11 birthday tomorrow would be neat).
That is all. Sincerely,
Your mother
(Ps. Walking and sex do NOT work because we have tried both several times and neither seem to do any good.)
Re: Dear LO,
Ugh I know! Spicy doesn't work too well either, which sucks since I hate spicy food!
I hope your LO listens and good luck with your plan!
I'm totally with you guys on those things not working! I'm 39w3d and I've had no luck with getting this baby out of me! I won't do castor oil or nipple stimulation, but I am getting a little desperate to get him to evacuate. I'm having a lot of back pain and having a hard time getting comfortable because of said back pain.
We've tried sex, we've tried walking, we've eaten some of the foods that they say will work --- none of it has worked! We had even been saying for as long as I can remember that I was going to go into labor while at the theater to see Harry Potter on opening day - we'd been joking that DH would say "No, we can't go yet - the movie is still playing and the contractions aren't close enough yet." Went to HP last night with nothing happening except back pain.
Ugh....I wish he would evacuate the premises already!
Neither does eggplant, or EPO.
We're going to be pregnant FOREVER *stomps feet*
Spontaneous pregnancy #1
DD1 July 31, 2011
Trying for #2 since Oct 11
Spontaneous pregnancy #2= Ectopic #2= lost left tube
Spontaneous pregnancy #3= DD2 January 29, 2016
Spontaneous pregnancy #4= Ectopic #3
Spontaneous pregnancy #5= Baby #3 is a BOY!!!
Hehe this made me chuckle. At least we know we can't be pregnant forever, if that were even possible I would cry.
We walked the mall for 2 hours sat and went to the zoo today and walked around for 5 hours.......NOTHING!