And I have NO progress. I know it means nothing but it is still a little sad to hear "yup cervix is still closed!"
On a good note I had my last close last night behind the bar and it went very well! I had a bunch of amazing regulars come in and we had a blast! Now I have tonight, early out and Monday open to 5! I am looking forward to some time off but at the same time I am afraid I will go crazy, this will be the cleanest apt in the complex.
Re: doctor appt yesterday
Thats good to hear. I am showing no "progress" either! And I LOVE hearing stories of women whose drs said they weren't dilated and poof they go into labor!
Ditto! No prograss at my Thursday appointment, water broke late Sunday night and LO was here early Monday morning. Here I thought I was for sure going to go past my due date!