Better late than never I guess. My little man was born a little over a week ago on July 7 at 2 p.m. Elijah Gage weighed in at 8 lbs even and was exactly 20 inches long and he is the love of my life!!! I went into the hospital at 3 a.m. on Thursday, July 7 for an induction. I was 40 weeks and 3 days. I was started on pitocin at around 4 a.m. and I was dilated to 2. They slowly increased my pitocin up to level 8 by the time the doctor got there at 7:30 to break my water. He said as soon as I started having painful, regular contractions, I get get my epidural. OMG, I think I only made it like 30-45 minutes after my water broke before I got my epidural and then all was great with the world! It was not painful and I could not feel my contractions at all! The doctor came back in at around 9 and I was dilated to 4. At 11:30 he came back by and said I was at 6. My nurse left to take a 30 minute lunch and by noon, she came back in to check me because she thought that I may be ready and sure enough I was at 9! I started to push at around 12:30, but had to stop for about 20 or so minutes because there was a part of my cervix that wouldn't move out of the way. All in all, I only pushed for about an hour and my adorable little man made his appearance! It was truly the most amazing experience I have ever had and I would do it again in a heartbeat! He is a completely healthy little boy with a major appetite.
For all of you that are worrying about a big baby, don't be too concerned. He was supposedly measuring 7.7 lbs over 3 weeks before I delivered him and he only weighed 8 lbs even. The epidural was painless! I didn't need another dose of it or anything and I only used the little extra pain boost like once.
He just had his one week checkup yesterday and he is in the 70th percentile in weight and 90th percentile in height. He lost his umbilical cord at just 6 days old! (which freaked mommy out!) But it looks great too. Anyways, I wish you all the best of luck and easy deliveries! Here are a few pics of my man!
TTC since Fall of 2007
IUI #1 April 2009-BFN, IUI #2 May 2009-BFN
BFP July 6, 2009-Miscarriage July 9,2009-Chemical Pregnancy
IUI #3 May 2010-BFN, IUI #4 June 2010-BFN
IVF #1 October 2010-2 embryos transferred on Day 3-BFP!!!
Elijah Gage Born July 7, 2011!!!
FET-April 19, BFP!!!
Re: Elijah Gage is Here!!! Birth Story and PIP
congrats to your family!!
question - where is your bouncer from?? I love the design!!
BFP #3 via cancelled IUI ~ C (2lb 3oz; HELLP) 5/16/11
BFP #4 via the natural (free!) way ~ E (8lb 11oz) 9/13/12