For those of us Mommies out there that are being scheduled for Inductions-you can refuse that. You are technically not over due till you are 42 weeks and as we all know...All babies will come out eventually.
I just wanted to share-It was mentioned to me today and Hubby and I decided that we were not going that route. We kindly told them that and they were ok with it. I would imagine though if you had medical reasonings that needed to over ride that then it would be top priority.
Don't be afraid to speak up and tell them your wishes....We (Mommies and Babies) are all different and will never be just like the medical text book teaches!
Re: You can refuse...
Yes, you have the right to refuse.
However, your Dr can refuse to treat you as a patient. Also, your Dr went to medical school and has a lot more experience and knowledge than you do. Google can only tell you so much.
I am all for advocating for your own health & rights but sometimes, you need to just trust your Dr.
I'm all for healthy women and healthy babies going to 42 weeks. It makes me a little sad sometimes to hear about women who have no medical reasoning for an induction, but do it earlier than they should because a doctor suggested it for their convenience.
That said, I'd love to go to 42 weeks, but had to schedule my induction yesterday for Wednesday (I'll be 41 weeks and 2 days) because my doctor and I feel like it'll be better to get the baby put then when my bp is rising. I don't want an induction, but I need one if baby doesn't get here by then! The risks of me waiting longer far outweigh the risks of an induction for me. So, sometimes it is the best choice.
That is true--you can refuse. I think some OB's and patients jump to induce too soon. That being said, your doctor/midwife can also refuse to treat you. In my case, i'm being induced at 41w4d on Sunday. I have tried all that I could. If I don't show up, my midwife can not deliver me, and instead I will have a random OB I have never met.
I knew going in that my midwife would not let me go past 41w4d. Now that I'm two days away, it sucks because I had DS#1 on time, but you know what? I trust my midwife.
My MW will start monitoring me closely at 41 weeks but will wait until 42 weeks to induce if everything looks okay.
OP, I think most of the regular posters here have had this discussion with their providers a long time ago and are comfortable that they will weigh risks and benefits. Still, your reminder might help out a lurker or a new poster who has one of those (I hope rare) docs who schedule inductions at the drop of a hat.
ETA because stupid Bump ate my first post!
I agree very much that you are your own best advocate and you should always speak up, however, you choose a doctor to treat you for 40 weeks who you trust to do what is in your best interest. If I have trusted her for all of these months, why would I stop now if she says she does not want me to go past 41 weeks?
There is a lot of research and data which also link going past 42 weeks with a lot of complications, the worst of which is an increased chance of having a stillborn. The placenta was built to last 40 weeks, and begins to decrease function at that point. Yes, dates can be off, but I still think delivering aftet 42 weeks is a risk I am not willing to take.
I only put this out there as information to you....not to get your feathers in a ruffle.
My midwife asked "You are not interested in being induced are you? I responded kindly "Not not if possible?" She, "Great! We will not mention it again and Baby will come when ready. There is nothing to worry about-you are doing great." I completly trust my midwife and the 3 docters I am seeing...however I do know my body best and alot more the!
That is why I mentioned above in OP "...if you had medical reasonings that needed to over ride that then it would be top priority."
OP "...Don't be afraid to tell them your wishes"-I never said anything about telling them your mind.
There's nothing wrong with refusing an early induction, as long as the baby is healthy. However, your OB/MW should be doing NSTs and BPPs once you are overdue.
Not all babies "come when they're ready." Doctors induce for legitimate medical reasons. The placenta starts to age & calcify, the baby can produce & swallow meconium, your AF levels can go down, etc etc.
I'm sure that you have personally discussed the pros/cons of induction with your MW and you picked the best choice for yourself. However, your post made it sound like women should just refuse an induction if they don't want one. It's not quite that simple & there are a lot of risks involved.
My practice will not induce until 41 weeks (unless medically necessary). However, if you want to go past 41, you need to have an us to check fluid levels and a nst. If everything looks good, they'll let you go until 42 weeks.
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This on both accounts - it's certainly important to always discuss a medical decision with your Drs to be fully informed of the pros/cons and reasons he/she is suggesting the procedure. That's true whether it's regarding pregnancy or any other medical decision.
But just because someone posts that they are nervous about an induction doesn't mean it's not the best course of action nor does it mean they didn't talk in length with their medical provider about the decision.