July 2011 Moms

still pregnant ladies -- nesting?

Not sure if this counts, but for some reason I just spent 2 hours cleaning out my email inbox and "unsubscribing" from all the stupid emails I get from various companies. 

How about you -- are you doing any nesting, digital or otherwise? 

DD Born July 2011
TTC#2 for 4 years: multiple rounds of IVF, M/Cs, lots of tears.  Cautiously optimistic about #2 EDD 12/29/18

Re: still pregnant ladies -- nesting?

  • I now  vacuum once a week, I cleaned out every closet and reorganized them. I rearranged the kitchen, re decorated the living room and I also dust once a week. Oh and I clean the bathrooms once a week too!

    I was super clean and kind of OCD before hand now I have just hit a whole new level of crazy Big Smile

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  • A week ago I HAD to clean out my desk. At 1am. It took me 2 hours and I got rid of 2 small bags of stuff to throw away, 2 to give away, and now one of the drawers is completely empty.

    Yesterday I decided our carpets were dirty so I vacuumed and steam cleaned the carpet in our chinchilla room, nursery, bedroom, and upstairs living room.

    We also got rid of our futon yesterday and today H (if he ever wakes up) and I are going to move my desk upstairs into the chinchilla room, probably move the chinchilla down to the living room, and do some decorating in there.

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  • Nope.  I'm napping.  And being a couch potato.
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  • I cleaned my fridge/freezer from top to bottom, including taking all the shelves out and scrubbing them in the sink. That was the weirdest, unlike me nesting thing I've done... but that was 3 weeks ago and obviously no baby yet (which I am FINE with, not due for 2+ more weeks).
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  • I've been nesting since the end of April, thankfully it was not a sign of impending labor for me. I've pretty much nested all that I can. I've become pretty OCD about keeping everything clean. I was not like this before being pregnant. I vacuum every other day, clean the bathrooms a few times a week. Yesterday, I made MH adjust a picture hanging on the wall of the exam room at the OB's office because it was crooked and bothering me.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I've done some stuff. I did do a digital "nesting" love the term btw! this morning. I remember having like 200 emails when I got home from the hospital last time...99% of them junk.
    ~Kati~ Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I wish! Our floors really need mopped, but I've had like no energy or motivation to do it. I did clean the kitchen today though, but it was just basic wipe down the counters and load the dishwasher
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  • I only thought I was "nesting" about two weeks ago when I suddenly had to clean everything. But since my parents and brother are coming to visit tomorrow I decided to clean everything, and my mother-in-law decides to say, "they are coming to visit you and the area, not see how clean your house is." That coming from a lady who almost never cleans her house and there is dust and clutter everywhere. (SLIGHT VENT) <--Wasn't worthy of its own post. lol


  • LOL to the digital nesting.Yes

    DH is probably hoping my nesting will kick in. He actually asked me this morning if I thought I might have the energy to clean our bedroom. My clothes are PILED in a heap on the floor----nothing fits anymore. Getting dressed is a chore.

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  • not so much nesting but packing and moving!  I'll be 38 weeks tomorrow and I figured it was better to move before the baby than try to move after.  Maybe I am wrong...but at least nobody expects me to actually do much of the moving...so maybe I'm right on :)
  • imageHelloAnnie!:

    Not sure if this counts, but for some reason I just spent 2 hours cleaning out my email inbox and "unsubscribing" from all the stupid emails I get from various companies. 

    How about you -- are you doing any nesting, digital or otherwise? 


    This was too funny to read because I did EXACTLY this just last week! Maybe it's a sign...!!

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  • imageHelloAnnie!:

    Not sure if this counts, but for some reason I just spent 2 hours cleaning out my email inbox and "unsubscribing" from all the stupid emails I get from various companies. 

    How about you -- are you doing any nesting, digital or otherwise? 


    I just did this last week!!!! hahaha  It felt really good 

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  • This is going to sound funny, but I discovered that the furminator brush I use for my dogs works wonders at cleaning fur off the carpet. so yesterday I took out the furminator and "brushed" the carpet. It worked like a charm!:) Then I vacuumed the carpet I brushed for good measure. Today I weeded and raked the yard. Must've looked pretty funny seeing a 9 month pregnant lady squatting to pull out weeds:D
  • I cleaned my entire basement on a 90+ degree day earlier this week and I refolded all the towels in my bathroom closet yesterday - both of these eyesores have been bothering me for awhile but I actually completed both tasks in the same week!  Not sure if it means anything though. 

    I had crazy urges to bake when I was in labor with #2.  I could not leave for the hospital my brownies were done - I feared being sent home so I know if my contractions were still going by the time the brownies were done, labor was real!  DD was born about 4 hours later so stranger things have happened :)  GL Ladies!  Nesting is great - take advantage of it!!!

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  • This post inspired e to go to a little digital nesting. I unsubscribed to over 15 email things. Holy crap.
  • imageindytara:
    Nope.? I'm napping.? And being a couch potato.

    haha...this is me!?

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