July 2011 Moms

Feeling Jealous!

So my niece who is in high school and just graduated is due on August 10th went to the doctor today and found out she is 1cm dialated. I am 37 weeks and my doctor wont check me until next week. Just feeling a little jealous and needed to get it out. It will be nice on one hand to have our babies so close in age but I just don't want them to be constantly compared to one another. :(

Re: Feeling Jealous!

  • If you are not the first one to produce a grandchild get used to it. The grands and sil etc.. will compare EVERYTHING to the older children.

    I have a friend whose daughter is one month older than my son constantly acts like we are in competition to see whose baby is smarter more advanced etc... That's just the way it is. I ignore it.

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  • imageBethD76:

    If you are not the first one to produce a grandchild get used to it. The grands and sil etc.. will compare EVERYTHING to the older children.

    I have a friend whose daughter is one month older than my son constantly acts like we are in competition to see whose baby is smarter more advanced etc... That's just the way it is. I ignore it.

    That's the way my family is as well. My cousin was born 3 months before me and our entire lives were "Well Chris did this at that age. Chris rode his bike first. Chris gets better presents because he's older." We fixed the problem by moving out of the country lol. Ironically while he was the golden child all through childhood/adolescence he's now the black sheep while they all love me.

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