Cloth Diapering

Got my mario bish from spots

And it is really cute-even DH who totally poo pooed it because it's not girly enough was like, "maybe lets keep it in case we have a boy".  I'm debating Embarrassed but it cost me $43.
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Re: Got my mario bish from spots

  • oooh $43 is hard to swallow. I paid $40 for a Cozzybunz (Paul Frank) one day. Noooo idea why. But I kept it and love the diaper.

    It's kind of pricey to find fabric (apparently.) I'd keep it for a boy. Or use it on a girl. Girls love video games, too! 

    And cause it's a bish, you can probably resell it down the road. 

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  • yeah my thought was I'd keep it and resell it (even for less) if someone could help me score something I REALLY wanted but now I don't know.  I was more of a sonic the hedgehog girl to be honest :)
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  • Ahh, Sonic. I never got into that game until my teenage years (I had a girlfriend who looooved it.) I was more a Super Mario Kart, Tetris Attack (I can slay anyone at that game) and Super Mario World. With the odd The Secret of Mana, Legend of Zelda, and Secret of Evermore RPG.

    These days we have a Wii but we rarely play. We haven't beat a single game that we've bought (Donkey Kong Country Returns, Lego Batman, Wii Sports, Mariokart Wii,... we've beat Super Mario World except for Star World.) 


    Anyway, onto topics people care about :) 

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