It may be a dumb question, but I can't find an answer...does back labor do the same thing as a contraction and help with dilation? And for those that have had their babies and experienced back labor and had an epi, the epi doesn't cover back labor? That sucks!!!
I didn't have back labor with DS#1, but am having pretty intense back labor with this LO. DS#1 was even sunny side up and turned while pushing.
Re: Another Question About Back Labor
From what I understand, the only difference between back and front labor is the position of the baby, so I would imagine it would do the same thing as far as dilation. I had it with DD. I was dilated 3 cm. for 3 weeks with no contractions before I went into active labor. Once I went into labor I dilated.
I'm not sure why the epi wouldn't cover back labor. The meds are the same and they cover everything from your waist down. My epi didn't work, but it was b/c it went in wrong and didn't deliver a continuous flow. It didn't have anything to do with the back labor. My friend had back labor, and her epi worked just fine.
a contraction is a contraction, and any real contraction will help you dilate. they call it back labor not because the contraction is different, but because of the baby's position. you feel it in your back more because the baby's spine is essentially rubbing against your spine as they move down the birth canal.
I had a pain med free birth with a posterior baby, which means back labor. not fun at all, but it was my first so I didn't know anything different.