I get asked this a lot now that I'm looking "done". I never know what to say so I give a long rambling explanation that doesn't even answer the question. "Well, I'm __ weeks, my doctor says if I can keep them in until 36 weeks, that's great. If we make it even further, that's even better. My doctor will only let me go until 39 weeks, which is August 18 but I'm due August 25." I always feel dumb when I'm done. What do you say when asked?
Re: What do you say when asked "How much longer?"
I just say I'm due mid October but hope they come a couple weeks before then. But here's how my conversations usually go....
person - "When are you due?"
me - see above
person - "Oh..." blank stare at my super large belly
me - "I'm having twins, that's why I'm so big already"
person as lightbulb comes on - "Oh wow, twins! <insert one of many dumb comments here>"
me - smile and nod haha!!
I usually just give a "few more weeks response" as I am waddling to the nearest chair.
Then the conversation is usually proceeded with "I am not sure how you can stand being pregnant in this heat" to which I want to say "guess you just can't plan these things", but I usually just smile and nod and say something to avoid further comments. I don't know what I will do with all the OMG "twins" + toddler comments as I try to avoid any attention at all costs.
Married 7/11/09 TTC #1 Since 05/10
BFP #1 09/20/10 Natural m/c 10/05/10
BFP! #2 04/21/11... Beta 16 DPO: 437, 18 DPO:1446 Ultrasound 6w6d TWINS!
Annabel & Sophia Born 11/28/11 at 34w6d
BFP #3 10/4/16... Beta 13 DPO: 145, 15 DPO: 367 12/1/16 It's a GIRL!
Basically this, but change January and December to November and October. I get tired of saying due November 5, but they'll likely be October babies. Then I get asked why, then they still don't believe me that twins come early.
This, exactly!
I kept it vague. 36w was mid-July, so I'd just say, "hopefully late July".
This is exactly what I did as well.
My Blog - It's All Part of the Adventure
This exactly!
DH and I were at the grocery store this past weekend and the cashier said...you must be due really soon. When I told her not till October, but having twins so look biggerr...yadda yadda, she said so loud "oh my you are going to be gigantic!!!"....nice. Poor DH couldn't believe what she said...yup welcome to the MoM world of stupid comments.
This exactly!
DH and I were at the grocery store this past weekend and the cashier said...you must be due really soon. When I told her not till October, but having twins so look bigger...yadda yadda, she said so loud "oh my you are going to be gigantic!!!"....nice. Poor DH couldn't believe what she said...yup welcome to the MoM world of stupid comments.
edited...spelling fail
This is exactly!
DH and I were at the grocery store this past weekend and the cashier said...you must be due really soon. When I told her not till October, but having twins so look biggerr...yadda yadda, she said so loud "oh my you are going to be gigantic!!!"....nice. Poor DH couldn't believe what she said...yup welcome to the MoM world of stupid comments.
LOL yup, i have the same convo with people in public!
Last week my H and i were at Wal Mart and some lday was STARING at me, my H said "u can stop staring now" and she said "im trying to figure out if shes having triplets!" lol, like theres a certain waddle or something to indicate multiples!
This is about as good as I could have said it! I love the look on people's faces when I tell them I'm not due until October.
my responses are generally wordy, like yours. my due date is oct, but there are two in there/i'm carrying twins, so i hope to make it to late september.
usually i tell ppl oct 21 then pause for a minute to see their reaction b/c of the size of my belly! i think it's so funny to see their faces