July 2011 Moms

The one time I'm not happy to say I told you so to DH

For weeks now DH has stayed about 10 feet away from me because he's convinced having sex will bring on labor.  Just because I went into labor at 39w 4d with DS#1 the morning after doing it last time he believes his bedroom skills is all it takes.  We've done it three times since this weekend and nothing yet!  While it was funny to laugh at him after the first time since his "skills" didn't work now it's getting to the point that I'm getting frustrated.  grrrr.
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Re: The one time I'm not happy to say I told you so to DH

  • lol, that he was impressed with himself last time! :) i was explaining the logisitcs of why people hope sex might help induce labor to my husband last night and now he is afraid to go near me. i laughed and laughed. obviously my husband thinks he has some skills, too, despite this being our first baby and no supporting evidence, LOL!
  • My husband is the exact opposite. He is now even more willing to have sex, in hopes of getting this baby out. No luck yet though, but I am not complaining.
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